目录 Preface Acknowledgments Abbreviations PART 1: Basics of Neurology 1 The Neurologic Examination 2 Neurologic Investigations PART 2:Common Neurologic Symptoms 3 The Approach to Coma and Altered Consciousness 4 Neuro—Ophthalmology 5 The Approach to Weakness 6 The Sensory System 7 Dizziness,Vertigo,and Syncope 8 Ataxia and Gait Disorders 9 Urinary and Sexual Dysfunction 10 Headache and Facial Pain PART 3: Neurologic Disorders 11 Aphasia and Other Disorders of Higher Cortical Function 12 Dementia 13 Sleep Disorders 14 Vascular Disease 15 Seizures 16 Movement Disorders 17 Head Trauma 18 Systemic and Metabolic Disorders 19 Central Nervous System Tumors 20 Demyelinating Diseases of the Central Nervous System 21 Infections of the Nervous System 22 Disorders of the Spinal Cord 23 The Peripheral Nervous System 24 Disorders of the Neuromuscular Junction and Skeletal Muscle 25 Pediatric Neurology Questions Answers Appendix: Evidence—Based Resources