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Chapter 1 Brief introduction to flight vehicles
1.1 Basic concepts
1.2 Overview of flight vehicles
1.2.1 Rockets
1.2.2 Missiles
1.2.3 Air vehicles
1.2.4 Spacecrafts
1.2.5 Hypersonic flight vehicles
1.3 Development history of flight vehicles
1.3.1 Flight vehicle exploration
1.3.2 Typical examples of aeronautics & astronautics
1.3.3 Prominent figures in aerospace
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Chapter 2 Flight principles of flight vehicles
2.1 Rocket motion
2.1.1 Rocket movement
2.1.2 Rocket motion equation
2.1.3 Multistage rocket theory
2.2 Flight environment
2.2.1 Earth atmosphere
2.2.2 Near space
2.2.3 Outer space
2.3 Fundamental principle of fluid flowing
2.3.1 Basic concepts & typical parameters
2.3.2 Fundamental principles of fluid motion
2.3.3 Applications of the principlesHigh-speed flow
2.4 Reference system
2.4.1 Reference frames and transformations
2.4.2 European-American coordinate system and Soviet Trion cnordinate system
2.5 Flight mechanics description
2.5.1 Forces acted on flight vehicles
2.5.2 Moments acted on flight vehicles
2.6 Flight vehicle motion equation
2.6.1 Basic assumptions
2.6.2 Fundamental principles
2.6.3 Flight vehicle motion equation establishment
2.7 Flight performances
2.7.1 Flight mission profile
2.7.2 Flight envelope
2.7.3 Typical flight parameters
2.8 Flight stability & control
2.8.1 Stability
2.8.2 Control
2.9 Space vehicles flight principles
2.9.1 Kepler laws
2.9.2 Orbit equation & universal velocities
2.9.3 Satellite orbits
2.9.4 Lunar exploration orbit
2.9.5 Mars exploration orbit
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Chapter 3 Flight vehicle system composition
3.1 Flight vehicle system
3.2 Missile system
3.2.1 Missile system composition
3.2.2 Typical examples of the missile system
3.3 Rocket system
3.3 . 1 Multiple rocket launcher system
3.3.2 Carrier rocket system
3.4 Air vehicle system
3.4 . 1 Airplane system
3.4.2 UAV system
3.5 Spacecraft system
3.5 . 1 Space engineering system
3.5.2 Typical examples of the spacecraft system
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Chapter 4 Flight vehicle propulsion system
4.1 Aeroengine system
4.1.1 Aviation piston engines
4.1.2 Turbojet engines & turbofan engines
4.1.3 Turboprop engines & turboshaft engines
4.1.4 Ram-engines
4.2 Rocket engine system
4.2.1 Main performance parameters
4.2.2 Solid rocket propulsion system
4.2.3 Liquid rocket propulsion system
4.2.4 Combination engines
4.3 Thrust vector control system
4.3.1 Classification of thrust vector control system
4.3.2 Performance and selection of thrust vector control system
4.4 New-type propulsion system
4.4.1 Solar energy propulsion system
4.4.2 Nuclear energy propulsion system
4.4.3 Electric propulsion system
4.4.4 Micro propulsion system
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Chapter 5 Flight vehicle aerodynamic configuration
5.1 Design requirements for configuration
5.2 Flight vehicle configuration & parameters
5.2.1 Airfoil
5.2.2 Wing form & tail configuration
5.2.3 Fuselage
5.3 Typical flight vehicle configuration
5.3.1 Typical missile configuration
5.3.2 Typical aircraft configuration
5.3.3 Control surfaces
5.3.4 High-lift devices
5.4 Configuration of hyper-velocity vehicles
5.4.1 Lifting body configuration
5.4.2 Blended-wing-body
5.4.3 Waverider configuration
5.5 Flight vehicle configuration variation & development
5.5.1 Missile configuration variations
5.5.2 Aireraft configuration variations
5.5.3 Morphing flight vehicle configuration
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Chapter 6 Flight vehicle structures
6.1 Requirements of flight vehicle structure design
6.1.1 Flight vehicle structure design philosophy
6.1.2 Basic flight vehicle structure design requirements
6.1.3 Basic flight vehicle structure design contents
6.1.4 Flight vehicle structure design methods
6.2 Wing
6.2.1 Function and loads
6.2.2 Main load-bearing members of a wing
6.2.3 Load transfer analysis
6.2.4 Wing structure form
6.2.5 Connection
6.3 Body
6.3.1 Function and loads
6.3.2 Main load-bearing members of body
6.3.3 Body structure form
6.4 Tail
6.4.1 Function and constitution of tail
6.4.2 Basic requirements of tail
6.4.3 Loads of tail
6.5 Flight vehicle laminated composite structures
6.5.1 Characteristics of composites
6.5.2 Application of composite materials to airframe structures
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Chapter 7 Flight vehicle guidance and control system
7.1 Basic concepts of guidance and control system
7.1.1 Function and composition
7.1.2 Classification of guidance system
7.1.3 Basic design requirements
7.2 Guidance and control components
7.2.1 Sensitive components
7.2.2 Seeker
7.2.3 Star sensor
7.2.4 Actuation
7.3 Guidance system
7.3.1 Autonomous guidance system
7.3.2 Remote guidance system
7.3.3 Homing guidance system
7.3.4 Combination guidance system
7.4 Guidance laws
7.4.1 Autonomous guidance law
7.4.2 Remote guidance law
7.4.3 Optimal guidance law
7.4.4 Differential game guidance law
7.4.5 Cooperative guidance law
7.5 Control system
7.5.1 Control modes
7.5.2 Skid-to-turn (STT) and bank-to-turn (BTT)
7.5.3 Autopilot
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Chapter 8 Ground equipment and launch
8.1 Carrier rocket & space vehicle launch
8.1.1 Space launch base
8.1.2 Space vehicle return & reentry
8.2 Missile launch
8.2.1 Missile launch modes
8.2.2 Missile launch equipment
8.3 Airport and ground equipment
8.3.1 Airport
8.3.2 Ground equipment
8.3.3 Weather observation
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Chapter 9 Payloads
9.1 Rocket payloads
9.2 Missile payloads
9.2.1 Warhead composition
9.2.2 Typical warheads
9.2.3 Fuses
9.3 Air vehicle payloads
9.4 Space vehicle payloads
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Chapter 10 Flight vehicle system research and development
10.1 Flight vehicles design concepts
10.1.1 The R&D process
10.1.2 System analysis
10.2 Basic stages for R&D
10.2.1 Idea proposition
10.2.2 Proof of tactical and technical requirements
10.2.3 Preliminary design stage
10.2.4 Technical design stage
10.2.5 Trial-manufacture and test stage
10.2.6 Finality of design stage
10.2.7 Manufacture and utilization stage
10.3 Basic design requirements
10.3.1 Design requirements for flight vehicle systems
10.3.2 Quality management for flight vehicle system R&D
10.4 Design methods
10.5 Typical tests
10.5.1 Wind tunnel test
10.5.2 Simulation tests
10.5.3 Flight test
10.5.4 Environmental test
10.5.5 System performance test
10.5.6 Reliability test
10.6 Summary
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