目录 关注生活Focus on the Life 空间陈设美学奖 Space Display Aesthetics Awards 隐庐·同里别院(金奖) / Yinlu·Tongli Betsuin(Gold Award) 电建地产·成都·悦府售楼处及样板间/Power China Real Estate·Luoyuefu, Chengdu, Sales Center and Model Space 馥滟/ Luxury Elegance 南京金鹰精品酒店/Nanjing Golden Eagle Boutique Hotel 石梅湾威斯汀度假酒店/Westin Shimei Bay Resort 守和别院/ShouHe Villa 吴宅/Wu Residence 欣盛·东方福邸/Xin Sheng·Oriental Mansion 星罗海野/Star Field “自然之道”艺术设计巡回展/“The Way of Nature” Art and Design Exhibition Tour 陈设艺术品奖 Display Art Awards “出砖入石”之“金砖”套装/“Brick to Stone: Gold Brick” Series 未墨/ Wei Mo “隐·YOUNG”3D 打印室内雕塑装置/“HIDDEN · YOUNG” 3D Printing Indoor Sculpture Device 折/FOLD 提香/Titian 合桌/ Union Table 曲径和风“石”/Winging Paths Taihu “stone” 生活艺术家奖 Artist of Life Awards 吕永中/Lv Yongzhong 岳敏君/Yue Minjun 关注人文 Focus on the Humanity 公益民生奖 Public Welfare of Peoples Livelihood Awards The Lake 湖艺术公益项目(金奖)/“The Lake” Artistic Public Weifare Project(Gold Award) 纯粹空间/Pure Space 家/Home 山田书屋/ShanTian Bookstore 行业推动奖/Industry Promotion Awards 赵瑞海/Zhao Ruihai 关注未来Focus on the Future 未来奖 Future Awards 竹――室内家具系列/Bamboo―Interior furniture series 四月/April 旋转几何·水龙头/Swivel Geometry·Water Tap 过去与未来/foretime and future 韵/Rhythm 相承/Smriti 语虫/La La Insects 附录Appendix