精彩内容 Unfortunately, the long history of research on the employment inter-view suggests that, without proper care, it can be unreliable and low invalidity. It is simply not reasonable to think that unstructured,rambling conversations between interviewers and applicants will provide much information useful in predicting the job candidate's future success.Moreover, interviews are relatively costly because they require at least one person to interview another person, and these persons have to be brought to the same geographic location. Finally, in terms of legality, the subjectivity embodied in the process often makes applicants upset, particularly if they fail to get a job after being asked apparently irrelevant questions like, "If you were a car, what kind of car would you be.'?" This only increases the probability that the applicants will take legal action against the company. References and Biographical Data Just as few employers would think of hiring someone without an interview, nearly all employers also use some method for getting background information on applicants before an interview. This information can be solicited from the people who know the candidate through reference checks. It can also be solicited directly from the candidate through an application that asks for biographical data. The evidence on the reliability and validity of reference checks suggests that these are, at best, weak predictors of future success on the job. The main reason for this low validity is that the evaluations supplied in most reference letters are so positive that it is hard to differentiate applicants.