目录 Chapter 1Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in China in the New Era
Ⅰ.The Formation and Development of the Thought on Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects
Ⅱ.Deployment and Promotion of Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects Made by the CPC Central Committee since the 16th National Congress of the CPC
Ⅲ.Overall Progress and Concrete Achievements in Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects in the Past Five Years
Ⅳ.Hu Jintao Sounded the Clarion Call to Complete the Building of a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects
Ⅴ.Xi Jinping Has Accomplished the Great Task of Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects
Chapter 2Meeting Poverty Alleviation Targets as Scheduled to Build a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects
Ⅰ. Firmly Grasping the Spirit of the CPC Central Committee and the Important Statements Made by General Secretary Xi Jinping
Ⅱ.A Comprehensive and Correct View of the Decisive Achievements in Chinas Fight against Poverty
Ⅲ.Grasping the Problems Accurately and Scientifically to Find the Precise Solution
Ⅳ.Giving Full Play to Our Institutional Strengths
Chapter 3Main Connotations and Basic Features of Soism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era
Ⅰ.Soism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era Is One of Following the Laws of Human Development,Conforming to the Historical Trend,and Demonstrating the Vitality of Scientific Soism
Ⅱ.Soism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era Is One in Which the People Are the Center and More Active in Creating History and Creating a Better Life
Ⅲ.Soism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era Is One in Which Communists Are Increasingly Establishing Belief in Marxism and the Masses Are Constantly Establishing the Common Ideal of Soism with Chinese Characteristics
Chapter 4 The Political Advantages of Soism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era
Ⅰ.Soism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era Has Realized the Democracy and Effectiveness of Chinas Political System,thus Enabling the System to Guarantee Chinas Longterm Stability
Ⅱ.Soism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era Has Realized the Real Democracy and Prevented Formalism in Democracy
Ⅲ.The Improved Soism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era Has Enabled the Sustained,Stable,Efficient and Rapid Development of the Chinese Economy,Which Has Greatly Enhanced the General Publics Sense of Identity with the Soist Political System and Party System
Ⅳ.Soism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era Is Essentially a Political System in Which the People Are the Masters of the Country and That Resolutely Opposes the Existence of Interest Groups
Ⅴ.Soism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era Is Guided by Marxism and Can Continuously Eliminate Irrational Political Behaviors
Ⅵ.Soism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era Enables Cyber Politics to Be Orderly and Continuously Transformed into a Front for the Development of Mainstream So Ideology
Ⅶ.Soism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era Enables the People to Truly Control Power,and Effectively Prevents the Phenomenon Where Promises Are Made During Elections,but Are Not Delivered After Elections
Ⅷ.Soism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era Can Absorb New So Groups in a Timely Manner and Keeps Democracy on a Healthy Path
Chapter 5The Nature and Historical Role of Chinas Great So Change in the New Era
Ⅰ.The Great So Change in China in the New Era Is Not Simply the Extension of Chinas Historical and Cultural Experiences,but Its New Version Based on Creative Transformation and Innovative Development
Ⅱ.The Great So Change in China in the New Era Is Not Mechanically Applying the Ideas of Classic Marxist Authors,but Flexible Development of Marxism in Chinas Context
Ⅲ.The Great So Change in China in the New Era Is Not a Reprint of Other Countries Soist Practice,but a New Version for Creating a New History of World Soism
Ⅳ.The Great So Change in China in the New Era Is Not a Duplication of Modernization Endeavors Elsewhere,but a New Version That Grasps the General Law of Modernization,the Universal Law of Soist Modernization,and the Spe Law of Chinas Soist Modernization
Ⅴ.The Global Implications of the New Version of Chinas Great So Change for a New Era
Chapter 6“Loushan Pass” on the Journey of the Great Rejuvenation:Major Problems to Be Solved by China in the Future
Ⅰ.Adapting to the Change of the Principal Contradiction Facing Chinese Society and Better Meeting the Peoples Aspirations for a Better Life
Ⅱ.Promoting High quality Development,Making Chinas Economy Standing Firmly in the Forefront of th Time
Ⅲ.Achieving Shared Development by Making a Large Cake,Dividing It Properly and Making Sure Everyone Enjoys It
Ⅳ.Comprehensively Strengthening the Leadership of the CPC So That the Party Will Always Be Ahead of the Time
Ⅴ.Emancipating the Mind in Reform and Propelling a NewEra with New Ideas
Ⅵ.Promoting the Great National Spirit of China and Shapingthe Great Spirit of the Time
内容摘要 This book systematically presents the development of a Moderately Prosperous Society in China, clarifies the main connotation, essential features, international significance and political advantages of som with Chinese characteristics, points out the nature and historical function of China’s great so reform and analyzes the strategic opportunities and major problems to be solved in China. Based on realistic analysis and historical review, the book is of both theoretical and practical significance to grasping the world trend and revealing the reality of China with innovative conclusions and scientific thinking, which presents a grand picture of a moderately prosperous society in all respects in China.