目录 Preface 1 Introduction of a scientific research paper 1 1.1 What is science ? 1 1.2 What is research ? 2 1.3 What is a scientific paper ? 4 1.4 The structure of a scientific research paper 7 2 Scientific resource search strategy 10 2.1 Introduction of subject resources 10 2.2 Literature classification 10 2.2.1 Primary literature: the source of basic ideas 11 2.2.2 Secondary literature: the source of a specific topic 12 2.2.3 Tertiary literature 13 2.2.4 “Gray”literature 13 2.3 Steps to search the scientific literature 14 2.3.1 Retrieval methods and skills 14 2.3.2 Research tools 17 2.3.3 Databases 19 3 Reading skills for scientific literature 21 3.1 Academic reading 21 3.1.1 Vocabulary for reading comprehension 21 3.1.2 How to treat difficult sentences 23 3.1.3 Note-taking 25 3.2 Four reading skills: intensive, extensive, skimming, scanning 28 3.2.1 Intensive reading 28 3.2.2 Extensive reading 29 3.2.3 Skimming reading 30 3.2.4 Scanning reading 31 3.3 A four-step guide for reading a scientific paper 32 3.3.1 Skim the article 32 3.3.2 Put forward questions 33 3.3.3 Comprehend section-by-section 34 3.3.4 Conclusions and criticism 34 4 Management and summarization of references 36 4.1 Endnote 36 4.1.1 Introduction to Endnote 36 4.1.2 Creating an Endnote Library 37 4.1.3 The management of the Endnote Library 44 4.1.4 How to use endnote for paper writing 45 4.2 BibTexMng 48 4.2.1 Operation with the reference list 48 4.2.2 Operations of the records 50 4.2.3 What is BibTeX ? 51 4.2.4 Format of bib files 52 5 Before starting to write 58 5.1 Thinking (put forward questions, evaluate your data, generate your ideas) 58 5.2 Preparation (choose an appropriate journal and consult the guide for authors) 59 5.3 Develop an outline 60 5.4 Notes before writing 63 6 Steps to write each manuscript section 65 6.1 Title page 65 6.1.1 The title 65 6.1.2 Author names and affiliations 66 6.1.3 Abstract 66 6.1.4 Keywords 66 6.2 The main body of the text 67 6.2.1 Introduction 67 6.2.2 Materials and methods 79 6.2.3 Figures and tables 84 6.2.4 Results and discussion 95 6.2.5 Conclusions 98 6.2.6 Others 99 6.2.7 Revision 101 7 Publication of scientific manuscript 103 7.1 Where to submit 103 7.1.1 Decide early 103 7.1.2 How to find appropriate journals 104 7.2 How to submit 107 7.2.1 Basic concepts 107 7.2.2 Process of submitting 112 7.2.3 How to respond to editors and reviewers 114 7.3 Publishing process 117 7.3.1 Copyediting process 117 7.3.2 Marking the corrections 118 7.3.3 Additions 120 8 How to use LaTex 122 8.1 Introduction to LaTex 122 8.2 The installation of LaTex 122 8.3 The basic grammar rules of LaTex 125 8.4 An example of using LaTex to write academic papers 126 References 135 Appendix: Example articles 136
精彩内容 1 Introduction of a scientific research paper
1.1 What is science?
The word “science” is from the Latin word “scientia”, which means “knowledge”. When we speak of science, we usually mean a way of understanding the world through thought and experiment or describe the efforts to understand how the universe works through scientific methods.
Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge based on testable explanations and predictions about the universe. In ancient times, “science” referred to this body of knowledge itself. In classical antiquity, science was a type of knowledge that was closely linked to philosophy. In the early modern period, the word “science” and “philosophy of nature” were sometimes used interchangeably. Science was considered as a branch of philosophy until the 19th century. In modern usage, “science” is not only the knowledge itself, but also the process of pursuing knowledge. With the passage of time, the word “science” has become increasingly associated with the scientific method itself, as a way to study the natural world. Since the 19th century, the term “scientist” has been applied to those who sought the knowledge and understanding of nature.
Generally, the word “science” means natural science. However, there are many recognized science fields: social science, applied science, formal science, and others. Modern science can be roughly divided into the natural sciences, which study the material world; social science, which studies human behavior and society; and formal science like mathematics and statistics. Formal science is often excluded, as these studies do not depend on empirical observations. From the descriptions above, it is obvious that “science” refers to knowledge that is reduced to an algorithmic system, not involving the need for indescribable skills, such as fine arts.
To understand the world by describing and explaining natural phenomena, which we call “science”, scientists make empirical observations, followed by a series of steps,to perform scientific research. Steps of the scientific method in general scientific research are as follows:
Making general observations is the first step in the scientific method. From what is observed, you may gain some ideas and put forward questions from which you could make a prediction on what the outcome might be. Your prediction, however, may or may not be right. So you must test different alternatives to your idea so that your answer is not biased. However, often you cannot directly test an idea&nbs