目录 一、居民健康状况 Health Status of Population 人均预期寿命(岁) Life Expectancy at Birth (Year) 人口出生率、死亡率和自然增长率 Birth, Death and Naturallncrease Rate 各地区人均预期寿命、出生率和死亡率 Life Expectancy at Birth, Birth and Death Rate by Region 监测地区孕产妇及5岁以下儿童死亡率 Matemal and Under—five Mortality in Surveillance Region 监测地区孕产妇死亡原因(2015年) Leading Causes of Matemal Mortality in Surveillance Region (2015) 部分地区居民前十位疾病死亡专率及死因构成(2015年) Mortality Rate of 10 Main Diseases in Certain Region (2015) 28种传染病报告发病及死亡数(2015年) Number ofReported Cases and Deaths of 28 Infectious Diseases (2015) 28种传染病报告发病及死亡率(2015年) Reported Morbidity and Mortality Rates of 28 Infectious Diseases (2015) 青少年、儿童身体发育情况(城市) Physical Development of Children and Adolescents (Urban) 青少年、儿童身体发育情况(农村) Physical Development ofChildren and Adolescents (Rural) 居民人均每日营养摄入量 Daily Nutrient Intake per Capita 居民人均每日营养摄入量(2012年) Daily Nutrient Intake per Capita (2012) 二、公共卫生服务 Public Health Services 孕产妇保健情况 Statistics of Matemal Health Care 3岁以下儿童和孕产妇系统管理率 Systematic Management Rate ofMaternal and Children Under—three 各地区已婚育龄妇女避孕率(%) Contraceptive Prevalence Rate of Married Women at Childbearing Age by Region(%) 血吸虫病防治情况(2015年) Statistics of Schistosomiasis Control (2015) 地方性氟中毒防治情况(2015年) Statistics ofEndemic Fluorosis Control (2015) 克山病、大骨节病、碘缺乏病防治情况(2015年) Statistics of Keshan Disease, Kashin—Beck Disease,lodine Deficiency Disorder Control (2015) 农村改厕工作情况 Improvement of Sanitary Toilets in RuralAreas 各地区农村改厕工作情况 Improvement of Sanitary Toilets in RuralAreas by Region 各类场所食源性疾病暴发报告情况 Statistics of Foodborne Disease Outbreaks at Various Places 食品安全国家标准制定公布情况 The Release ofNational Food Safety Standards 被监督单位基本情况(2015年) Statistics oflnspected Field (2015) 卫生监督和监测情况(2015年) Statistics ofHealth Supervision and Surveillance (2015) 建设项目卫生审查情况(2015年) Statistics ofHygiene Examinations ofConstruction Projects (2015) 卫生行政处罚情况(2015年) Statistics of Administrative Punishments (2015) 三、医疗服务(医院) Health Services (Hospitals) 医疗卫生机构诊疗人次及入院人数 Number of Visits and Inpatients in Health Care Institutions 各类医疗卫生机构诊疗人次及入院人数(2015年) Number of Visits and Inpatients in Health Care Institutions (2015) 各地区医疗卫生机构诊疗人次(2015年) Number of Visits in Health Care Institutions by Region (2015) 各地区医疗卫生机构入院人数(2015年) Number oflnpatients in Health Care Institutions by Region (2015) 各类医院诊疗人次数(亿人次) Number of Visits in Hospitals (100 Millions) 各地区医院诊疗人次(2015年) Number of Visits in Hospitals by Region (2015) 各类医院入院人数(万人) Number oflnpatients in Hospitals (10000) 各地区医院入院人数(2015年) Number oflnpatients in Hospitals by Region (2015) 各级公立医院诊疗人次及入院人数 Number of Visits and Inpatients in Public Hospitals 医院分科诊疗人次及构成 Number& Percentage ofVisits in Hospitals by Department 医院分科出院人数及构成 Number& Percentage of Hospital Inpatients by Department 非公医疗机构医疗服务情况 Health Services in Non—public Health Care Institutions 医院病床使用率(%) Occupancy Rate of Hospital Beds(%) 各地区医院病床使用率(2015年) Occupancy Rate ofHospital Beds by Region (2015) 医院平均住院日(日) Average Length of Stay in Hospitals (Day) 医院医师曰均担负诊疗人次和住院床日 Daily Visits and Inpatients per Physician in Hospitals 综合医院医师日均担负诊疗人次和住院床日 Daily Visits and Inpatients per Physician in General Hospitals 医院收入与支出(2015年) Incomes and Expenditures of Hospitals (2015) 公立医院次均门诊费用 Average Medical Expense per Visit in Public Hospital.s 公立医院人均住院费用 Average Medical Expense per Inpatient iIl Public Hospitals 综合医院收入与支出(2015年) Incomes and Expenditures of General Hospitals (2015) 综合医院次均门诊费用 Average Medical Expense per Visit in General Hospitals 综合医院人均住院费用 Average Medical Expense per Inpatient in General Hospitals 居民两周患病率 TWo—week Morbidity Rates 疾病别两周患病率(2008年) Two—week Morbidity Rates by Diseases (2008) 疾病别两周患病率(2013年) Two—week Morbidity Rates by Diseases (2013) 居民慢性病患病率 Morbidity Rates of Chronic Diseases 居民两周就诊情况 Statistics of Two—week Medical Consultation 居民住院情况 Statistics of Residents Hospitalization 城市医院住院病人前十位疾病构成 Percentage of 10 Leading Diseases oflnpatients in City Hospitals 县级医院住院病人前十位疾病构成 Percentage of 10 Leading Diseases of Inpatients in County—level Hospitals …… 四、基层卫生服务 五、中医药服务 六、药品供应保障 七、基本医疗保障 八、卫生资源 附录1:香港和澳门特别行政区与台湾省卫生状况 附录2:主要国家卫生状况 附录3:我国主要人口与社会经济指标