目录 Chapter 1 The Elizabethan Age William Shakespeare;Sir Philip Sidney;Christopher Marlowe;Edmund Spenser;Ben Jonson Chapter 2 The 17th Century John Donne;John Dryden;John Milton;Andrew Marvell;George Herbert Chapter 3 The Classic Age Alexander Pope;Edward Young;Samuel Johnson;Thomas Gray Chapter 4 Movement Toward Romanticism William Blake;Edmund Burke;Robert Burns Chapter 5 The Romantic Period I William Wordsworth;Samuel Taylor Coleridge Chapter 6 The Romantic Period II Percy Bysshe Shelley;John Keats; George Gordon Byron Chapter 7 The Victorian Period Matthew Arnold;Robert Browning;Alfred Lord Tennyson Chapter 8 The Poetry of the New Republic Edgar Allan Poe;Ralph Waldo Emerson;Walt Whitman;Emily Dickinson Chapter 9 The Early 20th Century English Poetry William Butler Yeats;D.H.Lawrence Chapter 10 The High Modernism T.S.Eliot;Ezra Pound Chapter 11 The 20th Century American Poetry Wallace Stevens;Robert Frost;William Carlos Williams Chapter 12 The 20th Century British Poetry W.H.Auden;William Empson;Dylan Thomas Chapter 13 Post-Modernism and American Poetry After World War II Allen Ginsberg;Charles Olson;Robert Lowell Chapter 14 Contemporary British Poetry Seamus Heaney;Philip Larkin;Ted Hughes Chapter 15 Contemporary American Poetry Langston Hughes;Jerome Rothenberg;Lyn Hejinian
内容摘要 郑燕虹、蒋洪新编著的《英美诗歌与诗论选读》共十五章,每章可用两个课时完成课堂教学任务,较切合英语专业本科或者研究生的文学课在一个学期所安排的课时:在教学内容安排方面,本科生和研究生教学可根据学生的水平选择使用。 本书每章有四个部分:I.诗歌阅读与欣赏(Reading and Appreciation of Poem);II.文学背景知识(Literary Background);III.诗论选读(Reading(s)of Poetic Theory);IV.诗歌拓展阅读(Poem(s)for Further Reading)。另外,在每章最后,我们提供了参考书目(Some Reference Books)。每章的学习从具体的诗歌阅读与欣赏开始,然后学习那个时代的文学背景知识,从整体层面把握时代的精神,接下来研读该阶段最有影响的诗论,最后再进一步拓展诗歌阅读。这样的编写理念将诗歌选读与作品赏析、文本阅读与历史背景、作品细读与理论提升、课堂教学与课外治学融为一体,符合实践与理论相结合的认知原则。