目录 PREFACE FOR ENGLISH VERSION 01 FOREWORD Li Yining 03 THE HISTORICAL IMPORTANCE OF THE ’92 ENTREPRENEURS Fu Xiaoyong 06 CHAPTER I PERSONS WITH AMBIGUOUS SOCIAL STATUS 001 1.A learning trip abroad004 2.Crossing the river by feeling the stones008 3.From Longzhong to Beijing011 4.Resigning from government posts015 5.The border of the government system019 6.The genes025 7.Which path to follow031 8.Being the first to imitate037 9.So connections046 10.Persons with ambiguous so status051 11.Water testers057 12.Equity061 13.Ambitions067 14.Aspirations073 CHAPTER II LEAVING THE GOVERNMENT SYSTEM 079 1.Being considered to have gone into business083 2.Leaving the government system101 3.“The space is too small”114 4.A mediocre life with a known destiny131 5.Doing business is better than serving as offis145 CHAPTER III INDUSTRIES 179 1.The ups and downs in the futures industry183 2.Three models for the real estate industry193 3.An insurance tale:Taikang and Huatai218 4.Wang Zhongjun’s entertainment empire241 5.The making of an industry leader255 CHAPTER IV BETWEEN GOVERNMENT AND BUSINESS289 1.The grey area293 2.The corporation and the offidom302 3.Rules and order315 4.Modern corporate governance327 5.Mirroring:Losers357 CHAPTER V THE CULTURAL TOTEM OF THE SCHOLAR OFFICIALS 365 1.The so role of entrepreneurs368 2.The difficulties and way out for reform388 3.Power and democracy395 4.Hidden worries398 What are the main problems in the development of enterprise? EPILOGUE NOURISH CHINA Cen Ke 403 AFTERWORD Chen Hai 420 BIBLIOGRAPHY 422