作者简介 尹星,清华大学英语语言文学博士,北京外国语大学博士后,现任中国人民大学外国语学院讲师。2009-2010年曾赴哈佛大学访学。主要研究领域包括女性文学、城市文学和比较文学。曾合作主编《新方向:比较文学与世界文学读本》《世界文学理论读本》,出版译著《幼年与历史:经验的毁灭》,并在《外国文学》、《外国文学研究》、《外国文学评论》、Critique:Studies in Contemporary Fiction等靠前外核心期刊发表论文数十篇。 张云飞,中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院研究员,马克思主义学院教授、博士生导师,主要研究马克思主义与生态文明、马克思主义与社会发展等问题,出版有《唯物史观视野中的生态文明》(专著,2014)、《生态文明——建设美丽中国的创新抉择》(主编,2014)等著作。李娜,锦州医科大学马克思主义学院讲师,中国人民大学马克思主义学院博士生,主要研究马克思主义与生态文明等问题,发表有《绿色发展的哲学基础》(2016)、《绿色发展理念的哲学解读》(2017)等论文。
目录 Preface 1 1.The Formation of Xi Jinpings Thought on Ecological Progress 1 2.The Characteristics of Xi Jinpings Thought on Ecological Progress 9 Chapter One The New Thought of Ecological Progress 17 1.Mountains, Waters, Forests, Fields and Lakes are a Community of Life 19 2.Ecological Prosperity Leads to the Rise of Civilization While Ecological Decline Leads to the Fall of Civilization 26 3.Good Ecological Environment Is the Most Beneficial for Peoples Livelihood 32 4.Clear Waters and Lush Mountains Are Invaluable Assets 40 5.Ecological Progress Is an Important Element of the Chinese Dream 48 Chapter Two The New Plan of Advancing Ecological Progress 57 1.Implement the Green Development Plan of Population 59 2.Build a Resource—saving Society 64 3.Push the Revolution of Energy Production and Consumption 69 4.Build an Environment—friendly Society 74 5.Build an Ecological Security Shelter 79 6.Enhance the National Capacity of Disaster Prevention, Reduction and Relief 85 Chapter Three The New Strategy of Green Development 93 1.Adhere to Greening and Green Development 95 2.Coordinate and Promote "Four Modernizations" and Greening 102 3.Promote a Green Mode of Production and a Green Way of Life 112 4.Make Ecological Progress a Mainstream Social Value 118 5.Promote the Innovation of Green Technology and Green Theory 124 Chapter Four The New Layout of Territorial Space 135 1.It Is through Land Use that Ecological Progress Can Be Advanced 137 2.Implement Functional Zoning 141 3.Strengthen the Building of Ecocities 148 4.Advance Maritime Ecological Progress 157 5.Advance Regional Coordinated Green Development 165 Chapter Five The New Design for Ecological Governance 175 1.Promote the Modernization of Ecological Governance 177 2.Accelerate to Establish a System for Ecological Progress 181 3.Deepen the System Reform in the Ecological Field 195 4.Accelerate the Construction of Legal System for Ecological Progress 213 5.Implement the System for Ecological Evaluation and Assessment 219 Chapter Six The New World of Ecological Diplomacy 229 1.Build a Community of Shared Future for Mankind 231 2.Build a Community of Shared Future on Nuclear Security 237 3.Strengthen Global Climate Change Governance 245 4.Strengthen International Cooperation in the Green Field 253 5.The Chinese Force in Pfomoting Global Sustainable Development 259