目录 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background and significance 1.2 Aims 1.3 Research outline CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 The Environmental Management System (EMS) and the ISO14001 2.1.1 The EMS and its standards 2.1.2 The ISO14001 EMS 2.1.3 Application of the ISO14001 EMS in global context 2.2 Defence EMSs and environmental management practices in global context 2.2.1 Introduction 2.2.2 Empirical studies on environmental impacts of military activities 2.2.3 Application of the ISO14001 EMS by defence sectors in different countries 2.3 Evaluation of EMS effectiveness 2.3.1 EMS and environmental perfomance 2.3.2 Methods of evaluating an EMS 2.4 Development and application of environmental indicators 2.4.1 The ISO14031 Environmental Performance Evaluation (EPE) 2.4.2 PSR and DPSIR frameworks 2.4.3 Other environmental indicator frameworks and application of EPIs in global context 2.4.4 Application of EPI frameworks in defence sectors CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Study area: Shoalwater Bay Training Area (SWBTA) 3.2.1 Overview 3.2.2 Military activities at SWBTA 3.2.3 Area ownership and stakeholders 3.3 Initial EPI identification and establishment of an evaluation model 3.4 Data colleaion 3.5 Data processing and analysis of results CHAPTER 4 APPLICATION OF THE AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE FORCE EMS TO ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT OF SWBTA MARINE PROTECTED AREAS 4.1 Introduction 4.1.1 The Australian Defence Force (ADF) and its EMS 4.1.2 Measures undertaken to facilitate EMS implementation 4.2 Legislative framework and environmental regulations applying to SWBTA 4.3 AppLication of the ADF EMS to marine environmental management during Talisman Saber/Sabre (TS) at SWBTA 4.3.1 Environmental risk assessment and management 4.3.2 Environmental Awareness Training (EAT) 4.3.3 Stakeholder pariicipation 4.4 Discussion and Conclusions CHAPTER 5 DEVELOPMENT OF AN EPI FRAMEWORK TO EVALUATE THE ADF EMS AT SWBTA 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Conceptual model 5.3 A specific EPI framework for SWBTA 5.3.1 Initial indicator set 5.3.2 Expert ranking and indicator aggregation 5.4 Discussion and Conclusions CHAPTER 6 EVALUATING THE ADF ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS TRAINING AT SWBTA 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Methods 6.3 Results and Discussion 6.3.1 Defence Forces (DEFFOR) and TS experience (TIMES) 6.3.2 EnvironmenLal Awareness Training (EATCON and EATWAY) 6.3.3 Level of knowledge of environmental issues (KNWLEV) 6.3.4 Helpfulness of EAT to participants involvement in environmental protection activities(HELPRO) 6.3.5 Overall perspective on the effectiveness of the ADF EAT (EFFECT) 6.3.6 Future improvements in the ADF EAT (IMPRVE) 6.4 Conclusions CHAPTER 7 EVALUATING STAKEHOLDER PARTICIPATION AT SWBTA 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Methods 7.3 Results and Discussion 7.3.1 Age (DEFFOR),place of residence (LVCT) and period of residence (LVTM) 7.3.2 Awareness of relevant knowledge and methods of acquiring information (AWARE,KNWLDG and PTHWAY) 7.3.3 Changes in environmental status (CHANGE) and health problems (HLTHSF) 7.3.4 Environmental impact level (ENVIMP) 7.3.5 Overall effectiveness of ADFs stakeholder participarion (EFECTV) 7.3.6 Future improvements in stakeholder participation and environmental management at SWBTA (IMPRV) 7.4 Conclusions CHAPTER 8 DISCUSSION,CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 8.1 Summary of study findings 8.2 Discussion of research methodology 8.3 Recommendations and suggestions for future research 8.3.1 Environmental impact assessment 8.3.2 Data and information collection 8.3.3 Environmental monitoring and communication 8.3.4 Integrated environmental management REFERENCES APPENDIX 1 SUMMARY OF TABLES IN LITERATURE REVIEW APPENDIX 2 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF SWBTA APPENDIX 3 LEGISLATION AND POLICIES RELEVANT TO SWBTA APPENDIX 4 EXAMPLE OF AN INTERVIEW QUESTIONNAIRE APPENDIX 5 ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS OF THE SWBTA—APISR FRAMEWORK APPENDIX 6 SWBTA DETAILED ACTIONS IN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT APPENDIX 7 EAT SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE APPENDIX 8 EAT SURVEY STATISTICAL RESULTS APPENDIX 9 PUBLIC SURVEY QUESTIOANNAIRE APPENDIX 10 PUBLIC SURVEY STATISTICAL RESULTS