目录 Prologue First impression (arrival) The way the pendulum swings Beijing, on the eve of a new year The rirst of October—National Day Lets get to know each other first Mianzi Hello, have you eaten yet? Gaokao: the university entrance exam Yesterdays China, todays China Reform in 1979 Freshness is everything From black Io green? Contemporary Chinese literature Change, does everything change? Spanish literaiure in Chinese translation These days it is not just Don Quixote which is read in Mandarin Vlo Yan Chinas front door key to the contemporary canon of world liierature
精彩内容 In his biography of Marco Polo, Maurice Collis relates how, back then, the city of Hangzhou, quite apart from being a delightful place to live, with good shops and roads, effective policing and plenty of entertaining things to do, was the leading artistic and intellectual hub of the entire world, far superior to any city before it (including Ancient Rome) or after it (including London and Paris) “because its culture was rooted in a far lengthier and more robust evolution of the mind”.