目录 Chapter One PrOnUnCiatiOn Course 第一章 语音课程 1 Whatisyuyin?什么是语音? 2 What purposes does the course of English pronunciation serve? 为什么开设英语语音课程? 3 Why should you improve your English pronunciation? 为什么要改善发音? 4 What is a good pronunciation like? 什么样的发音才是好的发音? 5 What are phonetic barriers in communication? 什么是交际中的语音障碍? 6 What should you learn in this course? 本课程学什么? 7 How cail you learn this course well? 怎样学好本课程? 8 What is RP?And what is GA? 什么是标准英式发音?什么是标准美式发音? 9 Why should you team RP first? 为什么要先学标准英式发音? Chapter Two Phonetic Symbols 第二章 音标知识 10 What are phonetic symbols for?And how much can they help in pronunciation learning? 音标有什么用途?学习音标对学习发音有什么帮助? 11 Why do different dictionaries differ in transcribing the same English word? 为什么不同词典对同一英语单词的注音存在不一致的情况? 12 How many systems of phonetic symbols are used in English publications in China? Which is the most popular in English teaching? 我国英语类出版物使用的音标体系有多少种?哪种体系在英语教学中最流行? 13 What is the IPA?And what is the IPA for English?Are they the same? 什么是国际音标?英语国际音标是什么音标?两者是一回事吗? 14 In what ways is the Gimson system different from the D.J.system? 吉姆森体系与琼斯体系有哪些不同之处? 15 In what ways is the K.K.system different from the Gimson system? K.K.体系与吉姆森体系有哪些不同之处? 16 What is broad transcription?And what is narrow transcription? 什么是宽式标音方式?什么是严式标音方式? 17 How to type IPA phonetic symbols for English that can be displayed in most computers? 怎样输入多数电脑都能显示的英语国际音标符号? 18 What problems should we pay attention to in ollr study and use of phonetic symbols? 英语音标的学习和使用过程中应该注意哪些问题? Chapter Three Speech Production and Sound Articulation 第三章 语音发声及音素发音 19 What are the basic conditions for and the general process of speech sound production? 发音的基本条件有哪些?过程是怎样的? 20 What can we learn from the difficulty in practicing ventriloquism? 腹语练习的困难对我们学习发音有什么启示? 21 Why should we learn about the workings of speech production as well as methods of articulation? 为什么要了解发音原理和发音方法? 22 Why should WC choose a single variety of English pronunciation for practicing English speech sounds? 为什么英语音素发音的学习要选定一种口音? 23 How many phonemes are there in the RP speech sound system? 标准英式发音语音体系中的音素有多少? 24 What is the relationship between a phoneme and its allophone(s)? 音位(音素)和音位变体是什么关系? 25 What is a personal variant of a phoneme?To what extent can we change the sound quality of a phoneme? 什么是音位(音素)的个人变体?音素的音质变化范围有什么限定? 26 How can we make use of our mother tongue or other dialects we can speak in learning of English speech sound pronunciation? 英语音素发音学习中如何积极有效地利用母语和其他方言? Chapter Four Articulation of Phonemes:Vowels 第四章 音素发音:元音 27 What are the common characteristics ofvowels? 元音的共同特点是什么? 28 What are the characteristics ofpure vowels? 单元音的特点是什么? 29 What is a vowel chart?What information does a vowel chart include? How much can the English vowel chart help US in understanding the articulation ofeach English vowel? 什么是元音图?元音图里包含什么信息?英语元音图对我们了解英语元音发音有多大的帮助? 30 What makes one pure vowel different from another? 单元音之间的差别是由什么因素决定的? 31 How are the RP pure vowels further classified? 标准英式发音体系中的单元音是怎么细分的? 32 How can we avoid confusing the RP pure vowe