目录 唐代词 Ci in the Tang Dynasty 唐代民间词 Folk Ciin the Tang Dynasty 鹊踏枝(叵耐灵鹊多谩语) TUNE: THE MAGPIE ON A BRANCH "How can I bear to hear the chattering magpie" 李白 Li Bai 忆秦娥(箫声咽) TUNE: DREAM OF A MAID OF HONOUR "The flute plays a sobbing tune" 张志和 Zhang Zhihe 渔歌子(西塞山前白鹭飞) TUNE: A FISHERMAN'S SONG "In front of western hills white egrets fly up and down" 温庭筠 Wen Tingyun 菩萨蛮(小山重叠金明灭) TUNE: BUDDHIST DANCERS "Light plays with shade upon her bed-screen's double peaks" 望江南(梳洗罢) TUNE:DREAMING OF THE SOUTH "After dressing my hair" 五代词 Ci During the Five Dynasties 韦庄 Wei Zhuang 思帝乡(春日游) TUNE: THINKING OF IMPERIAL LAND "On a spring day" 冯延巳 Feng Yansi 谒金门(风乍起) TUNE: PAYING HOMAGE AT THE GOLDEN GATE "The breeze begins to blow" 李煜 Li Yu 浪淘沙(帘外雨潺潺) TUNE: RIPPLES SIFTING SAND "The curtain cannot keep out the patter of rain" 相见欢(无言独上西楼) TUNE: JOY AT MEETING "Silent, I climb the Western Tower alone" 虞美人(春花秋月何时了) TUNE: THE BEAUTIFUL LADY YU "When will there be no more autumn moon and spring time flowers" 宋代词 Ci in the Song Dynasty 柳永 Liu Yong 雨霖铃(寒蝉凄切) TUNE: BELLS RINGING IN THE RAIN "Cicadas chill" 蝶恋花(伫倚危楼风细细) TUNE: BUTTERFLIES IN LOVE WITH FLOWERS "I lean alone on balcony in light, light breeze" …… 参考文献 References