目录 Unit 1 Can roommates influence your grades? Section 1: Reading comprehension Roommates and school grades Section 2: Critical thinking and writing Writing step 1: Finding a topic Writing step 2: Thinking about purposes and audiences Section 3: Essay writing Unit 2 is gender difference real? Section 1: Reading comprehension Gender, brain function, and STEM performance Section 2: Critical thinking and writing Writing step 3: Developing a thesis Section 3: Essay writing Unit 3 Do you remember? Section 1: Reading comprehension What your oldest memories reveal about you Section 2: Critical thinking and writing Writing step 4: Organizing your ideas Section 3: Essay writing Unit 4 Will smartphones ruin your friendship? Section 1: Reading comprehension Smartphones and the relationships between young adults Section 2: Critical thinking and writing Writing step 5: Collecting evidence Section 3: Essay writing Unit 5 How to end a relationship? Section I: Reading comprehension Is \"ghosting\" a good way to end a relationship? Section 2: Critical thinking and writing Writing step 6: Anticipating objections Section 3: Essay writing Unit 6 Should you help? Section 1: Reading comprehension Babies' signs of altruism Section 2: Critical thinking and writing Writing step 7: Writing an introduction Section 3: Essay writing Unit 7 How to spend the recess time? Section 1: Reading comprehension Boys who sit still have a harder time learning to read Section 2: Critical thinking and writing Writing step 8: Revising your draft Section 3: Essay writing Unit 8 How to handle changes? Section 1 : Reading comprehension Meet the new boss Section 2: Critical thinking and writing Writing step 9: Proofreading Section 3: Essay writing 答案解析