美国联邦法案 21CFR第11部分电子记录/电子签名60 子部分A总则60 11.1适用范围60 11.2履行60 11.3定义61 子部分B电子记录62 11.10封闭系统的控制62 11.30开放系统的控制63 11.50签名显示63 11.70签名/记录链接64 子部分C电子签名64 11.100一般要求64 11.200电子签名构成要素及管控64 11.300识别码/密码的管控65 21CFR第50部分保护人类受试者66 子部分A总则66 50.1范围66 50.3定义66 子部分B人类受试者知情同意70 50.20对知情同意的一般要求70 50.23一般要求之外的例外情形70 50.24为急救研究豁免知情同意的要求75 5ion.357 Sec.312.22General principles of the IND submission.358 Sec.312.23IND content and format.359 Sec.312.30Protocol amendments.369 Sec.312.31Information amendments.371 Sec.312.32IND safety reporting.372 Sec.312.33Annual reports.377 Sec.312.38Withdrawal of an IND.378 Subpart C-Administrative Actions379 Sec.312.40General requirements for use of an investigationalnew drug in a clinical investigation.379 Sec.312.41Comment and advice on an IND.379 Sec.312.42Clinical holds and requests for modification.380 Sec.312.44Termination.384 Sec.312.45Inactive status.387 Sec.312.47Meetings.388 Sec.312.48Dispute resolution.391 Subpart D-Responsibilities of Sponsors and Investigators392 Sec.312.50General responsibilities of sponsors.392 Sec.312.52Transfer of obligations to a contract researchorganization.392 Sec.312.53Selecting investigators and monitors.393 Sec.312.54Emergency research under 50.24 of this chapter.395 Sec.312.55Informing investigators.396 Sec.312.56Review of ongoing investigations.396 Sec.312.57Recordkeeping and record retention.397 Sec.312.58Inspection of sponsor?s records and reports.397 Sec.312.59Disposition of unused supply ofinvestigational drug.398 Sec.312.60General responsibilities of investigators.398 Sec.312.61Control of the investigational drug.399 Sec.312.62Investigator recordkeeping and record retention.399 Sec.312.64Investigator reports.399 Sec.312.66Assurance of IRB review.400 Sec.312.68Inspection of investigator apos;s records and reports.400 Sec.312.69Handling of controlled substances.401 Sec.312.70Disqualification of a clinical investigator.401 Subpart E-Drugs Intended to Treat Life-threatening and Severely-debilitating Illnesses403 Sec.312.80Purpose.403 Sec.312.81Scope.403 Sec.312.82Early consultation.404 Sec.312.83Treatment protocols.405 Sec.312.84Risk-benefit analysis in review of marketingapplications for drugs to treat life-threateningand severely-debilitating illnesses.405 Sec.312.85Phase 4 studies.406 Sec.312.86Focused FDA regulatory research.406 Sec.312.87Active monitoring of conduct and evaluationof clinical trials.406 Sec.312.88Safeguards for patient safety.406 Subpart F-Miscellaneous407 Sec.312.110Import and export requirements.407 Sec.312.120Foreign clinical studies not conductedunder an IND.411 Sec.312.130Availability for public disclosure of data and information in an IND.414 Sec.312.140Address for correspondence.415 Sec.312.145Guidance documents.416 Subpart G-Drugs for Investigational Use in Laboratory Research Animals or In Vitro Tests416 Sec.312.160Drugs for investigational use in laboratory research animals or in vitro tests.416 Subpart H [Reserved]418 Subpart I-Expanded Access to Investigational Drugs for Treatment Use418 Sec.312.300General.418 Sec.312.305Requirements for all expanded access uses.419 Sec.312.310Individual patients,including for emergency use.422 Sec.312.315Intermediate-size patient populations.424 Sec.312.320Treatment IND or treatment protocol.426 21CFRPART812INVESTIGATIONAL DEVICE EXEMPTIONS428 Subpart A-General Provisions428 812.1Scope.428 812.2Applicability.429 812.3Definitions.431 812.5Labeling of investigational devices.433 812.7Prohibition of promotion and other practices.434 812.10Waivers.435 812.18Import and export requirements.435 812.19Address for IDE correspondence.435 Subpart B-Application and Administrative Action436 812.20Application.436 812.25Investigational plan.438 812.27Report of prior investigations.439 812.30FDA action on applications.439 812.35Supplemental applications.441 812.36Treatment use of an investigational device.444 812.38Confidentiality of data and information.448 Subpart C-Responsibilities of Sponsors449 812.40General responsibilities of sponsors.449 812.42FDA and IRB approval.450 812.43Selecting investigators and monitors.450 812.45Informing investigators.451 812.46Monitoring investigations.451 812.47Emergency research under 50.24 of this chapter.452 Subpart D-IRB Review and Approval452 812.60IRB composition,duties,and functions.452 812.62IRB approval.452 812.64IRB?s continuing review.452 812.65[Reserved]453 812.66Significant risk device determinations.453 Subpart E-Responsibilities of Investigators453 812.100General responsibilities of investigators.453 812.110Specific responsibilities of investigators.453 812.119Disqualification of a clinical investigator.454 Subpart F [Reserved]456 Subpart G-Records and Reports456 812.140Records.456 812.145Inspections.459 812.150Reports.459 45CFRPART46PROTECTION OF HUMAN SUBJECTS463 Subpart A-Basic HHS Policy for Protection of Human Research Subjects463 46.101To what does this policy apply?(Omit)463 46.102Definitions.463 46.103Assuring compliance with this policy—research conducted or supported by any Federal Department or Agency.465 46.104—46.106 [Reserved]467 46.107IRB membership.467 46.108IRB functions and operations.468 46.109IRB review of research.469 46.110Expedited review procedures for certain kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk,and for minor changes in approved research.469 46.111Criteria for IRB approval of research.470 46.112Review by institution.471 46.113Suspension or termination of IRB approval of research.471 46.114Cooperative research.472 46.115IRB records.472 46.116General requirements for informed consent.473 46.117Documentation of informed consent.475 46.118Applications and proposals lacking definite plans for involvement of human subjects.476 46.119Research undertaken without the intention of involving human subjects.477 46.120Evaluation and disposition of applications and proposals for research to be conducted or supported by a Federal Department or Agency.477 46.121[Reserved]477 46.122Use of Federal funds.477 46.123Early termination of research support: Evaluation of applications and proposals.477 46.124Conditions.478 Subpart B-Additional Protections for Pregnant Women,Human Fetuses and Neonates Involved in Research478 46.201To what do these regulations apply? (Omit)478 46.202Definitions.478 46.203Duties of IRBs in connection with research involving pregnant women,fetuses,and neonates.479 46.204Research involving pregnant women or fetuses.479 46.205Research involving neonates.480 46.206Research involving,after delivery,the placenta,the dead fetus or fetal material.482 46.207Research not otherwise approvable which presents an opportunity to erstand,prevent,or alleviate a serious problem affecting the health or welfare ofpregnant en,fetuses,orneonates.482 Subpart C-Additional Protections Pertaining to Biomedical and Behavioral Research Involving Prisoners as Subjects483 46.301Applicability(Omit). 483 46.302Purpose.483 46.303Definitions.483 46.304Composition of Institutional Review Boards where prisoners are involved.484 46.305Additional duties of the Institutional Review Boardswhere prisoners are involved.484 46.306Permitted research involving prisoners.485 Subpart D-Additional Protections for Children Involved as Subjects in Research486 46.401To what do these regulations apply?(Omit)486 46.402Definitions.486 46.403IRB duties.487 46.404Research not involving greater than