作者简介 凯伦·史密斯(Karen Smith),加拿大出生并长大。大学毕业后开始游历世界,在五个国家工作和生活过。在伦敦生活期间,她获得TESOL(Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)证书。后移居澳大利亚,在悉尼从事六年的国际学生英语教学,并加入澳大利亚国籍。此后她回到加拿大,在位于北极圈的育空地区工作,担任一家教育机构的经理,给成人讲授英语阅读与写作。她还来到乌干达,做了八年的志愿者,帮助当地妇女儿童接受教育。凯伦为中国读者写作了多部图书,目前居住于加拿大西部美丽的海滨城市维多利亚。
目录 1 Welcome back. 2 Meet Your Classmates. 3 My country is famous. 4 Where in the world do you live? 5 My country is the prettiest. 6 I’m good at sports. 7 Australian whales are younger than American whales. 8 Who wants to be a winner? 9 I cry when I am sad. 10 Rules, rules, rules. 11 Is it right or wrong? 12 We did the spring clean last weekend. 13 Yesterday, there was no food in the house. 14 What month am I? 15 When do Australians go to bed? 16 What time is it? 17 What did you do on Friday? 18 Where did you go for your school holidays? 19 What’s inside the cave? 20 When there is no underpass, use a crosswalk. 21 Did you get your invitation? 22 Can I speak to Cameron? 23 At first I was nervous. 24 My house is too small. 25 Where is my husband? 26 What are they doing? 27 Will it rain or is it going to rain? 28 Animals are very interesting. 29 What’s your hobby? 30 Where am I? 31 How do crops grow tall? 32 How to stay healthy. 33 It’s good for you. 34 How much is too much? 35 It’s my cup of tea. 36 I feel sick. 37 My baby is ill. 38 What happened to you? 39 What’s the matter with Cory’s ear? 40 My teeth are healthy and strong. 41 What do you want to be when you grow up? 42 Whose book is this? 43 What is your number? 44 Where are they? 45 Where are they going? 46 Send me a message. 47 Did you take it? 48 What do you say? 49 Have a party. 50 What a great invention.