作者简介 张晓鹏,北方民族大学外国语学院教师,广东外语外贸大学语言学博士,副教授。从事第二语言习得研究和英语教育工作。近年来在Applied Psycholinguistics、 Language Learning、The Modern Language Journal、Second Language Research、《外语教学与研究》、《现代外语》、《外语界》等国内外SSCI和CSSCI语言学期刊上发表二语习得实证研究论文十余篇。
目录 致谢
List of Abbreviations
List of Tables
List of Figures
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
1.1 English C&M Nouns in a Nutshell
1.2 Perspectives in C&M Distinctions: English vs. Chinese
1.3 Perspectives in English C&M Nouns: Inherent and Dynamic
1.4 Effect of Acquired C&M Knowledge on Perspective-taking in Construing Real-world Entities
Chapter Ⅱ Empirical and Theoretical Studies of English C&M Nouns
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Empirical Evidence of L2-English C&M Learning
2.3 Theoretical Accounts of C&M Nouns
2.4 A Critique of the Theoretical Account of C&M Distinctions
2.5 Summary
Chapter Ⅲ English C&M Distinctions: The Perspective Account
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Basic Notions of the Cognitive Linguistics
3.3 Defining Perspective
3.4 Perspectives in C&M Distinctions: A Tripartite Framework
3.5 Classifying English C&M Nouns: Inherent Perspectives
3.6 Classifying English C-M Mutual Conversions: Dynamic Perspectives
3.7 Perspective Encoded in Chinese C&M Distinctions
3.8 Perspectives Involved in C&M Distinctions: A Cross-linguistic Comparison
3.9 Summary
Chapter Ⅳ Constraints on L2 Acquisition of English Nouns
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Constraints on L2 Acquisition of English C&M Nouns
4.3 Constructing an L2 Acquisitional Trajectory of English C&M Nouns
4.4 Constraints on L2 Acquisition of English C-M Mutual Conversions
4.5 Operationalizing Perspective Shifting in C&M Learning
4.6 Issues Being Addressed in This Book
4.7 Variables Being Investigated in This Book
4.8 Summary
Chapter Ⅴ Perspective Shifting in L2 Learners: Empirical Studies
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Preliminaries for Target Word Selection
5.3 Study 1: Inherent C-M Perspective in L2 Learners
5.4 Study 2: Dynamic C-M Perspective in L2 Learners
5.5 Study 3: C-M Knowledge and Perspective in Entity Construal
5.6 Summary
Chapter Ⅵ Concluding Words
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Characterizing English C&M Distinctions in L2 Production
6.3 A Unified Account of C&M Learning: Perspective as Mechanism and Outcome