作者简介 Quan Hua is a Computer Vision and Machine Learning Engineer at BodiData, a dataplatform for body measurements, where he focuses on developing computer vision andmachine learning applications for a handheld technology capable of acquiring a bodyavatar while a person is fully clothed.He earned a bachelor of science degree from theUniversity of Science, Vietnam, speizing in Computer Vision.He has been working inthe field of computer vision and machine learning for about 3 years at start-ups. Shams Ul Azeem is an undergraduate in electrical engineering from NUST Islamabad,Pakistan.He has a great interest in the computer science field, and he started his journeywith Android development.Now, he's pursuing his career in Machine Learning,particularly in deep learning, by doing medical-related freelancing projects with differentcompanies.He was also a member of the RISE lab, NUST, and he has a publication credit at the IEEEInternational Conference, ROBIO as a co-author of Designing of motions for humanoidgoalkeeper robots. Saif Ahmed is an accomplished quantitative analyst and data scientist with 15 years ofindustry experience.His career started in management consulting at Accenture and leadhim to quantitative and senior management roles at Goldman Sachs and AIG Investments.Most recently, he co-founded and runs a start-up focused on applying Deep Learning toautomating medical imaging.He obtained his bachelor's degree in computer science fromCornell University and is currently pursuing a graduate degree in data science at U.C.Berkeley.
目录 Preface Chapter 1:Getting Started with TensorFiow Current use Installing TensorFIow Ubuntu installation macOS installation Windows installation Virtual machine setup Testing the installation Summary Chapter 2:Your First Classifier The key parts Obtaining training data Downloading training data Understanding classes Automating the training data setup Additional setup Converting images to matrices Logical stopping points The machine learning briefcase Training day Saving the model for ongoing use Why hide the test set? Using the classifier Deep diving into the network Skills learned Summary Chapter 3:The TensorFIow Toolbox A quick preview Installing TensorBoard Incorporating hooks into our code Handwritten digits AlexNet Automating runs Summary Chapter 4:Cats and Dogs Revisiting notMNIST Program configurations Understanding convolutional networks Revisiting configurations Constructing the convolutional network Fulfilment Training day Actual cats and dogs Saving the model for ongoing use Using the classifier Skills learned Summary Chapter 5:Sequence to Sequence Models-Parlez-vous Fran~:ais? A quick preview Drinking from the firehose Training day Summary Chapter 6:Finding Meaning Additional setup Skills learned Summary Chapter 7:Making Money with Machine Learning Inputs and approaches Getting the data Approaching the problem Downloading and modifying data Viewing the data Extracting features Preparing for training and testing Building the network Training Testing Taking it further Practical considerations for the individual Skills learned Summary Chapter 8:The Doctor Will See You Now The challenge The data The pipeline Understanding the pipeline Preparing the dataset Explaining the data preparation Training routine Validation routine Visualize outputs with TensorBoard Inception network Going further Other medical data challenges The ISBI grand challenge Reading medical data Skills Learned Summary Chapter 9:Cruise Control-Automation An overview of the system Setting up the project Loading a pre-trained model to speed up the training Testing the pre-trained model Training the model for our dataset Introduction to the Oxford-lilT Pet dataset Dataset Statistics Downloading the dataset Preparing the data Setting up input pipelines for training and testing Defining the model Defining training operations Performing the training process Exporting the model for production Serving the model in production Setting up TensorFIow Serving Running and testing the model Designing the web sewer Testing the system Automatic fine-tune in production Loading the user-labeled data Performing a fine-tune on the model Setting up cronjob to run every day Summary Chapter 10:Go Live and Go Big Quick look at Amazon Web Services P2 instances G2 instances F1 instances Pricing Overview of the application Datasets Preparing the dataset and input pipeline Pre-processing the video for training Input pipeline with RandomShuffleQueue Neural network architecture Training routine with single GPU Training routine with multiple GPU Overview of Mechanical Turk Summary Chapter 11:Going Further-21 Problems Dataset and challenges Problem 1-ImageNet dataset Problem 2-COCO dataset Problem 3-Open Images dataset Problem 4-YouTube-8M dataset Problem 5-AudioSet dataset Problem 6-LSUN challenge Problem 7-MegaFace dataset Problem 8-Data Science Bowl 2017 challenge Problem 9-StarCraft Game dataset TensorFIow-based Projects Problem 10-Human Pose Estimation Problem 11-Object Detection-YOLO Problem 12-Object Detection-Faster RCNN Problem 13-Person Detection-tensorbox Problem 14-Magenta Problem 15-Wavenet Problem 16-Deep Speech Interesting Projects Problem 17-Interactive Deep Colorization-iDeepColor Problem 18-Tiny face detector Problem 19-People search Problem 20-Face Recognition-MobilelD Problem 21-Question answering-DrQA Gaffe to TensorFlow TensorFIow-Slim Summary Appendix:Advanced Installation Installation Installing Nvidia driver Installing the CUDA toolkit Installing cuDNN Installing TensorFIow Verifying TensorFIow with GPU support Using TensorFIow with Anaconda Summary Index
内容摘要 Google的TensorFlow是机器学习世界的游戏规则改变者。《TensorFlow 1.x机器学习(影印版·英文版)》将教你如何发挥Python和TensorFlow 1.x的威力更容易地入门机器学习。首先,你将了解基础的安装过程并浏览TensorFlow 1.x的各种能力。然后是训练和运行分类器,以及介绍库中的特性,包括TensorBoard的数据流图、训练和性能可视化——全部通过一个例子展现——富含背景信息且来自多个行业的实际问题。你将进一步探索文本和图像分析,并在TensorFlow 1.x中学习CNN建模和设置。接下来,实现一个完整的真实生产系统,从训练到运行一个深度学习模型。逐步深入学习Amazon Web Services(AWS)并创建一个深度神经网络以解决视频活动识别问题。很后,把caffe模型转换到TensorFlow,并学习不错TensorFlow库:TensorFlow—Slim。学完《TensorFlow 1.x机器学习(影印版·英文版)》,你会被武装成可以应对机器学习环境中任何TensorFlow 1.x相关挑战的绝地武士。