本书主要由两大部分组成:*部分为选自美国古典学者Thomas Bulfinch编写的The Age of Fable的希腊罗马神话故事选读;第二部分为选自*有代表性的七位古希腊罗马作家的九部作品中*精彩的二十八个片段,这个部分是对故事选读部分的有力补充。每篇选文均配有非常丰富、详实的注释,注释包含专有名词读音注释、地理概念注释、历史知识的注释、各种相关知识注释、文学知识的注释、语言问题和语言难点的注释等。
*部分 希腊罗马神话故事选读
Thomas Bulfinch
The Age of Fable
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
Chapter Ⅱ Prometheus and Pandora
Chapter Ⅲ Apollo and Daphne-Pyramus and Thisbe-Cephalus and Procris
Chapter Ⅳ Juno and Her Rivals,Io and Callisto-Diana and Acteon-Latona and
the Rustics
Chapter V Phaeton
Chapter Ⅵ Midas-Baucis and Philemon
Chapter Ⅶ Proserpine-Glaucus and Scylla
Chapter Ⅶ Pygmalion——Dryope-Venus and Adonis-Apollo and Hyacinthus
Chapter Ⅷ Ceyx and Halcyone
Chapter Ⅹ Vertumnus and Pomona
Chapter Ⅺ Cupid and Psyche
Chapter Ⅻ Cadmus-The Myrmidons
Chapter ⅩⅢ Nisus and Scyla-Echo and Narcissus-Clytie-Hero and Leander
Chapter ⅩⅣ Minerva-Niobe
Chapter ⅩⅤ The Gree and the Gorgons-Perseus-Medusa-Atlas-Andromeda
Chapter ⅩⅥ Monsters:Giants,Sphinx,Pegasus and Chimera,Centaurs,Pygmies
and Griffin or Gryphon
Chapter ⅩⅦ The Golden Fleece-Medea
Chapter ⅩⅧ Meleager and Atalanta
Chapter ⅩⅨ Hercules-Hebe and Ganymede
Chapter ⅩⅩ Theseus-Dedalus-Castor and Pollux
Chapter ⅩⅪ Bacchus-Ariadne
Chapter ⅩⅫ The Rural Deities-Erisichthon-Rhecus——The Water Deities-The
Camene-The Winds
Chapter Ⅹ Achelous and Hercules-Admetus and Alcestis-Antigone-Penelope
第二部分 希腊罗马神话文学作品选读
附录 专有名词读音表