精彩内容 将大自然的地貌形态直接转化为具有建筑含义的空间形态,是这本书重点要讨论的问题。这种将自然与建筑相结合的想法,源于20世纪90年代末的一次从北京至成都的飞机途中。当我从由北京出发的班机上俯瞰到太原一带如刀削的地貌,俯瞰到进入西安一带的高原台地,俯瞰到四川境内烟雾缭绕的山峦,过程中所呈现的山形地貌的变化以及彼此间的对比,都在述说着地域本身所拥有的视觉特征。地形的画面感,河流的曲线,让我看到了其中所呈现的空间,看到了其中所呈现的建筑,自然也看到了展现于其表面的地形地貌所呈现出的体块特征。 随着卫星地图的发展,“鸟瞰自然”本身变得如此容易,获得大地图像的方式也变得如此轻而易举,而这种“鸟瞰自然”图像技术的发展最终也促使着观念的变化。于此所呈献的这本《建筑与自然》,是希望能够将我在这一系列“鸟瞰自然”过程中所看到的大地这一自然形态本身所呈现出的空间与建筑转而呈献给读者,希冀透过这一切,使读者能够由此而看到和发现更多自然本身正在呈现着的新的空间与建筑的世界。 The book focuses on the issue of direct transformation from natural landforms into spatialpatterns with architectural meanings. This idea of integrating nature with architecture originatedfrom a flight from Beijing to Chengdu in the late 1990s. Starting from Beijing, I watcheddownwards from the plane the difference and contrast among various landforms along thejourney, such as steep cliffs around Taiyuan city, plateaus and terraces around Xi’an city andmist-shrouded mountains in Sichuan province, all expressing visual features possessed byterritories themselves. The picturesque landforms and curvy rivers, in addition to presentingblock features on the surface, reveal space patterns and architecture forms contained within.With the development of satellite maps, it becomes easier and easier to “get a bird’s-eye viewof nature” and obtain images of land. Meanwhile, the development of such graphic technologymay finally promote change of concepts. This book, Nature and Architecture, is expected to show readers what I have discoveredduring serial observations of “aerial view of nature”: space and architecture revealed by naturalpatterns of land. I hope readers can, through all these, see and find more new spaces andarchitectures worlds that nature itself is revealing. 王昀 Wang Yun 2016年05月