精彩内容 前 言随着经济全球化和国际交流活动的日益频繁, 社会对人才外语水平和国际竞争能力的要求越来越高?双语教学是我国高等教育与国际教育接轨的一项重要举措?双语教材是开展双语教学的基础, 合适的双语教材是保证双语教学质量的关键?由机械工业出版社出版, 任小中?任乃飞?王红军编著的《机械制造技术基础》(英汉双语对照)和由任小中?周近民编著的《机械制造工艺学》(英汉双语对照), 为同类课程双语教学提供了优质资源, 深受任课教师和学生的好评?为了兑现在这两部教材“前言” 中的承诺,更是为了便于检测学生对教材内容的理解和掌握程度, 作者结合已出版的双语教材内容编写了这本英汉双语习题集?这部以中?英文形式编著的“机械制造技术基础” 和“机械制造工艺学” 方面的双语习题集, 旨在为同类课程教学, 尤其是双语教学提供优质的教学资源,保证教学质量?本习题集以“学” 为中心, 以“提高素质” 为目标, 继承传统内容的精华, 融入作者多年积累的教学经验, 着眼于培养学生的综合素质, 力求优选限度地调动学生学习的积极性和主动性?为方便使用, 本习题集的编排顺序与由任小中?任乃飞?王红军编著的《机械制造技术基础》(英汉双语对照) 教材体系一致, 并相互配合, 使教与学相统一?学与练相促进?本习题集也可作为由任小中?周近民编著的《机械制造工艺学》(英汉双语对照) 教材的辅助教材?本习题集共有七章, 主要内容包括金属切削原理?机床与刀具?机械加工工艺的制订?机床夹具设计原理?机械加工质量分析与控制?机械装配技术基础?优选制造技术简介?每章习题均分为六个部分: 名词英汉对照?填空题?选择题?判断题?简答题?分析与计算题?学生可根据教学需要选做中文或英文习题?附录中备有自测练习和样卷, 并附有参考答案, 以供学生检验自己对所学知识的理解和掌握程度?本习题集由任小中教授(河南科技大学)?任乃飞教授(江苏大学)?薛进学和杨建军(河南科技大学) 共同编著?具体编写分工为: 任小中编写第1 章?第4 章?第6 章?第7章和附录, 任乃飞编写第2 章和第5 章, 薛进学编写第3 章的3.1~3.3 节, 杨建军编写第3章的3.4 ~3.6 节?全书由任小中负责统稿?本习题集参考了国内外出版的一些教材和习题集, 谨此向有关作者表示诚挚的谢意! 同时, 向所有关心和帮助本书出版的人员表示感谢!由于编者水平有限, 书中难免有错漏和不当之处, 敬请各位专家和广大读者批评指正?作 者PrefaceWith the economic globalization and the increase of international communication activities, requirements of society for the talents in foreign language proficiency and international competitivepower are getting higher and higher.To carry out bilingual teaching is an important measure to makethe domestic higher education connect to international education.Bilingual textbook is the basis of bilingual teaching.Appropriate bilingual textbook is the key toensure high teaching quality.Two bilingual textbooks published by China Machine Press,i.e.Fundamentals of Manufacturing Technology written by Ren Xiaozhong, Ren Naifei and WangHongjun and Machine Manufacturing Technology written by Ren Xiaozhong and Zhou Jinmin, haveprovided high quality resources for the bilingual teaching of similar courses, and have got favourablecomment from teachers and students.In order to fulfill the promise in the preface of these two booksand to detect the understanding of the students on the contents of the textbook, combining with thepublished bilingual textbooks, we compiled this bilingual problems set written in both English andChinese.This bilingual problems set written in both English and Chinese on the “Fundamentals ofManufacturing Technology” and the “Machine Manufacturing Technology”. The purposes are to provide excellent teaching resource for the teaching of similar courses, especially for bilingual teachingand to improve teaching quality.Taking “focused on ‘learning activities’, ‘enhancing diathesis’ as the goal” as guiding ideology, with an eye to enhancing students’ comprehensive quality, this book integrated the teachingexperiences accumulated by authors and inherited the essence of traditional teaching contents so as toencourage students to be active and enthusiastic in learning.For the convenience in use, the layoutof this book is consiste