目录 古典豪宅MANSION Classical 回味老上海时光 Recalling Times in Old Shanghai 缔造典雅的家生活 Creating Elegant Home Life 塑造美式休闲港湾 Shaping a Relaxed American-style Harbour 安琪儿的梦幻城堡 Angel’s Fantastic Castle 泛东方的美学探索 Aesthetic Exploration of Pan-orient 中西合璧,混搭创新 Combination of Chinese and Western Style – Mixed Creation 典藏岁月风华 Reservation of Elegant Years 英式贵族年华 British Romance 爵爷与夫人的新时代潮流生活 Fashionable Life of Dude and Duchess 混搭让艺术焕发出新的生机 Mashup Decoration Endowing Art with New Vitality 演绎宫廷式贵族气质 Presenting Imperial Noble Temperament 情醉英伦风 Lost in British Style 休闲美式,返璞归真 Relaxed American Style – Returning to Originality 品味隽美生活 Enjoy Beautiful Life 演绎戏剧性时尚美学 The Presentation of Dramatic Fashion Aesthetics 现代豪宅MANSION MODERN 写意都市简约英伦风 Presentation of Urban Simple British Style 一个空间,两种表情 One Space with Two Expressions 华丽的时尚魅影 Gergeous and Fashionable Charm 品位卓越大都会生活 Enjoy Brilliant Metropolitan Life 静赏那一抹蓝调的优雅 Quietly Appreciate the Elegance of Blue Tone 梦之湾 Dreamy Bay 演绎现代简约时尚风 Interpretation of Modern Simple Style 流动的色彩空间 Flowing Colored Space 清雅风情,浪漫法式 Elegant Flavor & Romantic French Style 沁心凉的蓝调空间 Cool Blue Space 旅行者的驻足“圣地” "Holy Land" for Travelers to Stay 东西方文化的碰撞与融合 The Collision and Blending of Eastern and Western Culture 馥满优雅,法式华彩 Gorgeous French Style 中式工装 品金丝楠之皇家气韵 Taste the Royal Charm of Purple Nanmu Clubhouse 浓郁的东方之美,洋溢潮粤风情 Oriental Beauty & Cantonese Flavor 纵情山水之间 Indulge in Mountains and Waters 平静养生之佳所 The Best Place for Life Maintenance 鉴古存新的新文人空间 New Literary Space 传承东方神韵之美 Inheriting Oriental Beauty 水榭亭台,悠悠雅韵 Charming Pavilions 清歌一曲月如霜 Clubhouse like Elegant and Ethereal Mood 神秘宗教,境幽意远 Mysterious Religion & Elegant Environment 山灵水秀,典雅风华 Here the Place with Beautiful Mountains and Waters 创意东方宴 Creative Oriental Feast 精致考究,魅力东方 Charming Orient 清茶一盏“最”东方 A Cup of Tea Implying "the Most" Oriental 远离喧嚣,寻找一方净土 A Realm Aloof from Bustle 西式工装 YAZICI博德鲁姆酒店&水疗中心 Grand Yazici Bodrum Hotel & Spa Veladora餐厅 Veladora Restaurant 喜来登大酒店 Sheraton Grand Hotel & Spa 卓美亚海滩酒店 Jumeirah Bilgah Beach Hotel 安塔利亚阳光奢华酒店 Attalela Shine Luxury Hotel 圣地亚哥W酒店 W Hotel - San Diego 国际酒店 Trump International Hotel and Tower 米拉月亮酒店 Mira Moon Hotel 阿布扎比柏悦酒店 Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi 凯撒皇宫Nobu酒店 Caesars Palace Nobu Hotel 浦东四季酒店 Four Seasons Hotel Pudong