媒体评论 “The author is a mother herself. You don´t have to read her Vita to know this. She captures exactly the voice and the sense of humor of children between 10 to 13 years old.” - Eselsohr “Hugo is espely perfect for boys who enjoys cheeky reading materials.” – Eselsohr 作者本人就是一位母亲。你不需要读她的简介就能知道这一点。她准确地捕捉到了10到13岁孩子的心声和幽默感。 Hugo特别适合那些喜欢看“厚着脸皮才能阅读的材料”的男孩。 – 德国有名儿童文学评论杂志《Eselsohr》
“A book not only for boy. With the illustrations from Ute Krause is a reading guaranteed with laughters.” – Main-Echo 这是一本书不只适合男孩阅读的书。有了乌特·的插图,读者一定会开怀大笑。 – Main-Echo
“Zabine Zett wrote about a typical boy-topic in her book Hugo: How can I be attractive for the girls. The greatest highlights of the book are in the dialogues and the scenes are like sketchy miniatures of the world of thoughts from a young adult.”- Süddeutsche Zeitung 作者在她的书Hugo(中文版第三册《女孩儿的心思你别猜》)中写了一个典型的男孩主题。这本书优选的亮点是对话,场景就像一个年轻人的思想世界的缩影。 -《南德意志报纸》
“Hugo unites every relevant topics that every teenager has in mind.” – WELT am Sonntag Hugo集合了每个青少年心中所有相关的主题。 – 《世界报》