目录 第一章旅游消费者行为学的基本问题 Chapter 1The Basic Problems of Tourism Consumer Behavior第一节旅游消费者行为学的研究对象与内容/1 The Research Object and Content of Tourism Consumer Behavior第二节旅游消费者行为学的理论来源与研究方法/8 The Theoretical Sources and Research Methods of Tourism Consumer Behavior第三节旅游消费者行为学的发展历史/12 The History of Tourism Consumer Behavior 20 第二章旅游消费者行为学的基本理论 Chapter 2The Basic Theory of Tourism Consumer Behavior第一节旅游购买行为理论/20 The Theory of Travel Buying Behavior第二节旅游消费者行为模式/25 Tourism Consumer Behavior Model第三节有限理性理论/29 The Theory of Bounded Rationality第四节旅游者二元行为理论/31 The Theory of Tourist Dualistic Behavior第五节环城游憩行为理论/38 The Theory of Recreational Behavior around the City 45 第三章动机与旅游消费者行为 Chapter 3Motivation and Tourism Consumer Behavior第一节需要与动机/45 Need and Motivation第二节旅游需要与旅游动机/49 Tourism Need and Tourism Motivation第三节旅游消费者动机的经典理论/55 The Classical Theory of Tourism Consumer Motivation 62 第四章感知与旅游消费者行为 Chapter 4Perception and Tourism Consumer Behavior第一节感知过程/62 Perception Process第二节旅游感知的影响因素/67 Influencing Factors of Tourism Perception第三节旅游者对旅游条件的感知/71 Tourists Perceptions of Tourism Conditions目录 79 第五章学习与旅游消费者行为 Chapter 5Learning and Tourism Consumer Behavior第一节学习概述/79 An Overview of Learning第二节旅游消费者学习的内容与途径/85 Contents and Approaches of Tourism Consumers Learning 91 第六章态度与旅游消费者行为 Chapter 6Attitude and Tourism Consumer Behavior第一节旅游消费者态度概述/91 A Overview of Tourism Consumers Attitudes第二节旅游消费者态度与旅游行为/97 Tourism Consumer Attitude and Tourism Behavior第三节旅游消费者态度的形成与改变/100 The Formation and Change of Tourist Consumers Attitude 109 第七章个性与旅游消费者行为 Chapter 7Personality and Tourism Consumer Behavior第一节个性的形成/109 The Formation of Personality第二节个性特征与旅游消费者行为/113 Personality Characteristics and Tourism Consumer Behavior第三节个性结构与旅游消费者行为/119 Personality Structure and Tourism Consumer Behavior第四节旅游消费者个性测量和实践运用/121 Measurement and Practical Application of Tourism Consumes 128 第八章社会群体与旅游消费者行为 Chapter 8So Group and Tourism Consumer Behavior第一节社会群体概述/128 A Overview of So Group第二节参照群体与旅游消费者行为/131 Reference Group and Tourism Consumer Behavior第三节家庭与旅游消费者行为/134 Family and Tourism Consumer Behavior第四节社会阶层与旅游消费者行为/140 So Stratum and Tourism Consumer Behavior 148 第九章文化因素与旅游消费者行为 Chapter 9Culture and Tourism Consumer Behavior第一节文化概述/148 A Overview of Culture第二节文化差异与价值观/151 Cultural Differences and Cultural Values第三节中国传统文化与旅游消费者行为/157 Chinese Traditional Culture and Tourism Consumer Behavior 167 第十章营销组合与旅游消费者行为 Chapter 10Marketing Mix and Tourism Consumer Behavior第一节产品与旅游消费者行为/167 Product and Tourism Consumer Behavior第二节价格与旅游消费者行为/175 Price and Tourism Consumer Behavior第三节渠道与旅游消费者行为/179 Channel and Tourism Consumer Behavior第四节促销与旅游消费者行为/186 Promotion and Tourism Consumer Behavior 196 第十一章旅游决策 Chapter 11Tourism Decisionmaking第一节旅游决策概述/196 A Overview of Tourism Decisionmaking第二节旅游消费者对目的地的选择/202 Tourism Consumers Choice of Destinations 212 第十二章旅游体验 Chapter 12Tourism Experience第一节旅游体验概述/212 A Overview of Tourism Experience第二节旅游体验的质量与真实性/217 The Quality and Authenticity of Tourism Experience第三节旅游体验营销/224 Tourism Experience Marketing 254 第十三章旅游消费者的购后行为 Chapter 13Postpurchase Behavior of Tourism Consumer第一节旅游消费者满意度/254 Tourism Consumer Satisfaction第二节旅游消费者忠诚度/241 Tourism Consumer Loyalty第三节旅游消费者的抱怨/246 Tourism Consumer Complaints 253 第十四章旅游消费者行为比较 Chapter 14The Comparison of Tourism Consumer Behavior第一节旅游消费者行为跨年龄比较/253 A CrossAge Comparison of Tourism Consumer Behavior第二节旅游消费者行为跨性别比较/257 A CrossGender Comparison of Tourism Consumer Behavior第三节旅游消费者行为跨文化比较/259 A CrossCultural Comparison of Tourism Consumer Behavior 265 参考文献 References