作者简介 熊召政,中国当代有名作家,诗人。1953年12月出生于湖北省英山县温泉镇。参过军,下过乡。22岁起担任英山县文化馆创作辅导干部。1981年调入湖北省作家协会任专业作家至今。其间于1984—1986年任《长江文艺》副主编,1985—1989年担任湖北省作家协会副主席。 1979年创作的政治抒情诗《请举起森林一般的手,制止!》获得1979—1980年全国首届中青年很好新诗奖。已出版诗集五部,散文集两部,报告文学集两部。其诗歌及散文获各种奖项多次。自1993始,历经十年潜心创作四卷本长篇历史小说《张居正》,一经问世,便获得海内外读者的广泛好评,被评论界誉为当代中国长篇小说的重要收获。该书继获得湖北省政府图书奖、首届姚雪垠长篇历史小说奖及湖北省第六届屈原文艺奖等各种奖项后,又于2005年4日荣获第六届茅盾文学奖。 Prof. & Dr. Kuanquan Wang was born in 1964.He is a professor and Ph.D. supervisor at Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), associate director of HIT Computer College and associate director of HIT Bio-computing Research Center. Prof. Wang is a member of the IEEE, an editorial board member of International Journal of Image and Graphics.Also he is a reviewer of IEEE Trans. SMC and Pattern Recognition, and cochairman and academic secretary of YOCSEF in Harbin branch. For many years, Prof. Wang has been studying the biometrics based automatic individual identification and verification technologies and biometrics based diagnosis technology for traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). He has accumulated plenty of theoretical foundation and practical experience in computer aided diagnosis technology, which is based on tongue, sphygmus, palmprint, auricle and iris. He has successively published more than 70 papers both in internal and overseas academic journals and conferences, and also published 8 teaching materials. Prof. Wang has been cooperated with Prof. Naimin Li and Prof. Dapeng Zhang since 1988. They investigated intensively the obj ective tongue diagnosis of TCM, and invented a capturing device for digital tongue image, and got the national patent. By this device they created the biggest tongue sample database in the world, and got the plentiful and substantial production on tongue image processing and diagnosis modeling.