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Translator's preface
002 克己复礼为仁
The Meaning of Humanity
004 己欲立而立人
Helping Others to Be Established
006 己所不欲,勿施于人
Imposing Nothing Undesirable on Others
008 爱人、知人
Loving and Understanding Others
010 富贵、贫贱
Wealth and High Position, Poverty and Low Position
012 刚、毅、木、讷
Being Firm, Resolute, Simple and Reticent
013 唯仁者能好人
Only the Humane Can Love Others
014 杀身成仁
Sacrificing One's Life to Achieve Humanity
015 仁者乐山
The Humane Enjoy Mountains
016 仁者安仁
Finding Peace in Humanity
018 管仲
Guan Zhong
022 礼之本
Essence of the Rites
023 以礼让为国
Governing a State with the Rites and Decorum
024 宽、敬、哀
Broad-mindedness, Reverence and Sadness
025 和为贵
The Rites and Harmony
026 恭而无礼则劳
The Rites and Other Virtues
027 君子博学于文
Studies and the Rites
030 入则孝,出则弟
Filial Piety and Brotherly Respect
031 仁之本
The Foundation of Humanity
032 孝与敬
Filial Piety and Reverence
033 尊敬父母
Respect for Parents
034 父母在,不远游
Refraining from Traveling Far from Parents
035 以礼事父母
Serving Parents according to the Rites
038 四种忧虑
Four Worries
039 有益、有损之乐
Beneficial and Harmful Pleasures
040 有益、有损之友
Beneficial and Harmful Friends
041 三省吾身
Examining Oneself Three Times Daily
042 见贤思齐
Emulating Virtuous Men
043 三人行必有我师
Finding Teachers in Others
044 己所不欲,勿施于人
Refraining from Imposing Undesirable Things on Others
045 不患无位,患所以立
Worrying about Qualifications Instead of Positions
046 谋利多怨
Profit-Seeking Incurs Hatred
047 无远虑,有近忧
Thoughts about the Future and Immediate Worries
048 自责与责人
Self-Reproach and Reproaching Others
049 有过应改
Amending Faults
050 颜回是贤者
Virtuous Yan Hui
051 乡愿害德
Hypocrites Ruin Virtue
052 松柏后凋
Pines and Cypresses Shed Leaves Last
054 君子九思
The Gentleman's Nine Considerations
055 子产之道
Zichan's Way
056 君子三戒
Guarding against Three Things
057 君子重义
Rightness versus Gain
058 君子求诸己
Seeking Everything from Oneself
059 君子周而不比
Uniting Instead of Plotting with Others
060 君子怀德
Bearing Virtue and the Law in Mind
061 君子易事而难说
The Gentleman Is Easy to Work with But Difficult to Please
062 君子和而不同
Harmony versus Uniformity
063 君子坦荡荡
The Gentleman Is Open and at Ease
064 君子成人之美
Helping Others to Develop What Is Good in Them
065 君子不器
The Gentleman Is Not Instrument
068 德与刑
Guiding the People with Virtue Instead of Penalty
069 君君,臣臣,父父,子子
The Prince Should Be Like a Prince
070 正名
Rectification of Names
072 政即正
To Govern Is to Be Upright
073 身正令行
An Upright Man Is Likely to Be Obeyed
074 君子之德如风
The Gentleman's Character Resembles Wind
075 欲速则不达
Wanting to Be Quick Prevents One from Reaching the Goal
076 敬事而信
Reverence and Earnestness in Governing a State
078 民无信不立
Faith Is Necessary to the People
080 先富后教
Making People Rich and Educating Them
082 有教无类
Education for Everyone
083 性相近,习相远
Men Are Similar by Nature
084 子以四教
The Four Subjects Confucius Taught
085 学与思
Learning and Thinking
086 学而时习之
Learning and Practicing Is a Pleasure
088 日知其所亡
Knowing What Has Not Been Learned
089 温故知新
Finding What Is New in Reviewing What Is Old
090 六言六蔽
Six Virtues and Six Weaknesses
092 举一反三
Inferring Three Corners after Being Shown One
094 知之,好之,乐之
To Know Something, to Like It and to Delight in It
095 知与不知
To Know and Not to Know
096 讷于言,敏于行
Slow in Speech and Quick in Action
097 言与行
Talking and Doing
098 听其言,观其行
Watching a Man's Action after Listening to His Words
100 人与言
Personality and Words
102 学诗
Studying Poetry
103 “思无邪”
“Pure Thoughts”
104 “关雎”
“The Turtledoves”
105 诗、礼、乐
Poetry, the Rites and Music
106 辞之用
Use of Words
108 闻道
Learning the Way
109 道、德、仁、艺
The Way, Virtue, Humanity and the Arts
110 忠恕
Loyalty and Reciprocity
111 中庸
The Mean
112 过犹不及
Going Too Far and Falling Short
113 文质彬彬
Simplicity and Refinement
116 君子有三畏
Fearing and Revering Three Things
117 命、礼、言
Destiny, the Rites and Words
118 事人与事鬼
Serving Men and Serving Ghosts and Spirits
119 怪、力、乱、神
Monsters, Force, Rebellion and Gods
120 敬鬼神而远之
Revering Ghosts and Spirits but Keeping Them at a Distance
121 死生有命
Life and Death Are Predetermined
124 三十而立
Being Established at Thirty
125 不怨天,不尤人
Blaming neither Heaven nor Man
126 不义之富贵如浮云
Disdaining Wealth and High Position Won in the Wrong Way
127 君子道者三
The Gentleman's Three Qualities
128 我非生而知之
I Was Not Born with Knowledge
129 述而不作
Interpreting and Not Creating
130 学而不厌,诲人不倦
Studying Tirelessly and Enlightening Others Indefatigably
131 发愤忘食,乐以忘忧
Forgetting Meals while Studying
Being Firm, Resolute, Simple and Reticent
Confucius said, “Being firm, resolute, simple and reticent is close to being humane.”(13.27)
有子曰:“礼之用,和为贵 。先王之道,斯为美,小大由之。有所不行,知和而和,不以礼节之,亦不可行也。”(1.12)
The Rites and Harmony
Youzi said, “The most valuable use of the rites is to achieve harmony. In harmony lies the most beautiful of the ways of the former sage-kings. Whether they dealt with important or unimportant things, they started from harmony. But there may be places where this principle does not work: pursuing harmony because one knows of it without regulating it with the rites is not feasible.”(1.12)
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