2013年宁波市国民经济和社会发展统计公报 2013 Statistics Bulletin of National Economy and Social Development of Ningbo 第一篇 综合 主要统计指标 Major Statistics Indicators 表1-1 行政区划和陆域面积(2013) Administrative Division and Land Area 表1-2 各月主要气象指标(2013) Main Climate Indicators 表1-3 部分年份国民经济主要指标 Main Indicators of N~ional Economy in Partial Years 表1-4 各县(市)社会经济基本情况(2013) Main Indicators of Society and Economy by Region 表1-5 部分年份经济社会结构指标 Structural Indicators of Society and Economy in Partial Years 表1-6 部分年份平均每天主要社会经济活动 Indicators on Average Daily Social and Economic Activities in Partial Years 表1-7 部分年份国民经济主要指标人均水平 Main Per Capita Indicators of National Economy in Partial Years 表1-8 部分年份社会经济发展相对指标 Relative Indicators on Social and Economic Development in Panial Yeats 表1-9 “六五”以来各计划时期社会经济主要指标 Major Social and Economic Indicators of Each Period since“Sixth Five-Year PlanPeriod 表1-10 “六五”以来各计划时期社会经济主要指标平均增长率 Growth Rate of Major Social and Economic Indicators of Each Period since“Sixth Five-Year PlanPeriod 表1-11 国民经济主要指标比上年增长(1978-2013) Growth Rate of Major National Economic Indicators Increase Precding Year 主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
第二篇 人口与劳动力 主要统计指标 Major Statistics Indicators 表2-1 历年总户数和总人口 Households and Population Over the Years 表2-2 历年人口自然变动情况 Population Natural Changes Over the Years 表2-3 历年人口迁移情况 Bacis Statistics on Migration Over the Years 表2-4 部分年份各县(市)人口密度 Density of Population by Region in Partial Years 表2-5 各县(市)、区人口、户口情况(2013年底) Basic Statistics on Population and Households by Region(End of 2013) 表2-6 部分年份各县(市)、区总户数与总人口 Householes and Population by Region in Partial Years 表2-7 部分年份各县(市)、区人口自然变动情况 Natural Changes of Population by Region in Partial Years 表2_8 部分年份各县(市)、区人口迁移情况 Migration of Population by Region in Partial Years 表2-9 各县(市)计划生育情况(2013) Basic Statistics on Family Planning by Region 表2-10 各县(市)婚姻状况(2013) Basic Statistics on Marrige by Region 表2-11 主要年份婚姻状况 Marriage Statistics in Main Years 表2-12 城乡劳动力资源配置情况(2013年底) Sources and Distribution of Urban and Rural Labor Force(End of 2013) 表2-13 部分年份按就业者身份和经济类型分组的从业人员 Employees Grouped by Identity and Registered Type in Partail Years 表2-14 部分年份按国民经济行业分组的从业人员 Employees Grouped by Sectors in Partail Years 表2-15 全市城镇集体以上从业人员和劳动报酬情况(2013) Employed Personnel and Remuneration Payment in Urban Collective-owned Units and AbOve Level 表2-16 城镇集体以上从业人员文化程度情况(2013) Educational Level of Working Staff and Workers in Urban Collective-owned Units and AbOve Level 表2-17 部分年份按行业分组的城镇集体以上在岗职工平均工资 Avergae Wage of Working Staff and Workers in Urban Collective-owned Units and Above Grouped bv SectOrs in Partial Years 表2-18 部分年份城镇登记失业人数和城镇登记失业率 Number of Registered Urban Unemployed and Registered Urban Unemployed Rate in Partial Years 表2-19 部分年份社会保险基本情况 Basic Statistics on Social Insurance in Partial Years 表2-20 各县(市)城镇登记失业人员基本情况(2013) Basic Statistics On Unemployed Persons in Urban Areas by Region 表2-21 各县(市)城镇就业和失业人员变化情况(2013年底) Number of Being Employed and Being Unemployed by Region(End of 2013) 主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators 第三篇 国民经济核算