Book 6 of 10 in the Series of Basic Information of Tibet of China. This series is printed on high quality gloss paper with numerous color photos. Reading this series will give you a good overall knowledge of Tibet and prepare you for better appreciation for travel in Tibet. This series was written and published in the PR of China. Your appreciation of Tibetan art will be expanded in areas such as architecture, sculpture, paintings & handicraft. In addition this book gives an overall understanding of the historic and contemporary aspects of Tibetan art production. 109pp.
作者 熊文彬 著
出版社 五洲传播出版社
出版时间 2005-12
版次 1
ISBN 9787508508177
定价 38.00元
装帧 平装
开本 32开
纸张 胶版纸
Book 6 of 10 in the Series of Basic Information of Tibet of China. This series is printed on high quality gloss paper with numerous color photos. Reading this series will give you a good overall knowledge of Tibet and prepare you for better appreciation for travel in Tibet. This series was written and published in the PR of China. Your appreciation of Tibetan art will be expanded in areas such as architecture, sculpture, paintings & handicraft. In addition this book gives an overall understanding of the historic and contemporary aspects of Tibetan art production. 109pp.