从结构安排上,本教材主要包括7个单元的内容,涵盖了跨文化的基本理论和必要的知识信息、跨文化交际的实际行为以及跨文化商务实践,Understanding Culture, Communication and Intercultural Communication;Cultural Patterns and Communication;Managing Intercultural Conflicts;Verbal Communication;Nonverbal Communication;Business Customs and Etiquettes;Business Negotiation across Cultures。每单元都设有Focused Study(主要进行基本理论、概念、知识信息介绍,包括文化背景知识、术语解释、词汇、思考题)、Case Study(具体的案例介绍与分析)、Extended Activity(与本单元内容相关的实践活动的延展)、Related Information(本单元知识点或相关理论的扩充)等环节。
unit 1 understandin2 culture,munication and intercultural munication 1.culture 1.1 definitions ofculture的定义 1.2 layers ofculture分层 1.3 characteristics ofculture的特征 2.munication交际 2.1 definitions ofmunication交际的定义 2.2 primarytypes ofmunication交际的基本类型 2.3 ponents and process ofmunication交际元素和交际过程 3.intercultural munication跨交际 3.1 definitions ofintercultural munication跨交际的定义 3.2 the forms ofintercultural munication跨交际的类型 3.3 main barriers in intercultural munication跨交际的主要障碍 extended activities furtherrea unit 2 cultural patterns and munication 1.culturalvalues价值观 1.1 parison between chinese values and western values中西 价值观比较 1.2 parison between chinese values and american values中关 价值观比较 1.3 culturalvalues in international business国际中的价值观 2.beliefandreligion信仰和 2.1 the differences between chinese and western religious beliefs中西 信仰差异 2.2 sino—occidental religious culture impact on society中西对 社会的影响 3.hofstede’s five values dimension霍夫斯泰德的五维度 3.1 power distance权利距离 3.2 individualismversus collectivism个体主义和集体主义 3.3 masculine culture versus feminine culture刚和柔 3.4 uncertaintyavoidance不确定规避 3.5 long versus short term orientation长期取向和短期取向 4.k1uckhotm and strodtbeck’s value orientation克拉克洪一斯托特柏克价值 取向 5.edward t.hall’s high and low context爱德华霍尔的高语境和低语境 extended activities furtherrea unit3 managing intercultural conflicts 1.intercultural conflicts跨 2.culture shock休克 2.1 feeling ofculture shock休克感知 2.2 stages ofculture shock休克的阶段 2.3 symptoms ofculture shock休克症状 2.4 symptoms ofreverse culture shock反向休克症状 3.effective management有效管理 3.1 defense mechanisms against culture shock休克的机制 3.2 alleviating culture shock减轻休克 extendedactivities furtherrea