基本信息商品名称:上海方言习语集英文精 英约翰麦高温 著 寻回百年前上海方言记忆 珍稀善本重新面世 英汉对照沪语习惯用开本:32开 作者:(英)约翰·麦高温|编者:钱乃荣|责编:徐玲页数:定价:88出版时间:2022-08-01ISBN号:9787532786435 印刷时间:2022-08-01出版社:上海译文版次:1商品类型:图书印次:1 作者简介:\\"【作者简介】: 麦高温(John Macgowan):1835-1922,出生于北爱尔兰,毕业于伦敦英国长老会神学院,1860年3月来华,先在上海传教,1863年转至厦门。他是一位卓有建树的语言学家和作家,著有《上海方言习语集》《厦门方言英汉字典》《中国民间故事》《中国生活掠影》等书。钱乃荣: 语言专家,吴语研究专家,上海大学文学院中文系教授,博士生导师。\\"...... 内容提要:\\"【内容简介】: “1850-1950上海方言英法日三语实录”以西方学者和日本学者在19世纪中叶到20世纪中叶的百年间留下的沪语文献为底本,整理汇编了学术价值 的32册,内容包括语音音系、字典、词典、语法、习惯用语、课本、故事、戏剧、讲义等。钱乃荣教授为其逐一添加了导读和音系归纳。此次出版的是系列的 辑,书名如下:《上海方言习语集(英语)》《汉日上海方言会话集》《上海方言文法(英语)》《上海方言语法(法语)》。本书真实记录了上海方言的发展变化,为沪语研究提供了 手资料。\\"...... 目录:\\"【目录】: Preface Household Matters Numbers The Body Ships Merchandise, Silk Merchandise, English goods Merchandise, General goods Business Servants The Comparative Degree The Superlative Degree Past Time The Conjunction The Preposition Weights and Measures On Building To Buy Land Tradesmen Professions Family Relationships The Army Idolatrous Worships Feast Days Time On Numeral Particles and Auxiliary Substantives Diseases The Chinese Government Chinese Dynasties The Chinese Provinces Miscellaneous Sentences \\"...... 精 彩 页:\\"【精彩书摘】: 洋台 Yang day, verandah. 来 Lay, to come. 椅子 Yts, a chair. 拿 Nau, to take. 枱子 Tay ts, a table. 去 Che, to go. 罗汉榻 Loo h t’eh, a sofa. 泡 P au, to prepare. 火 Hoo, a fire. 差 Ts a, to send. 灯 Tung, a lamp. 叫 Kiau, to call. 水 Sz, water. 人 Niung, a man. 茶 Dzō, tea. 女人 Niniung, a woman. 垃拉 Leh la, in. 客人 Kah niung, a visitor. 要担水来 yau tan sz lay. Bring water. 垃拉洋台上我伲要椅子 leh la yang day long ngoo nie yau yts. We want chairs on the verandah. 担茶来 tan dzō lay. Bring tea. 我伲呒末茶 ngoo nie m meh dzō. We have no tea. 现在勿要侬点啥灯 yen dzay veh yau ng ten sa tung. I don’t want you to light the lamp now. 伊垃拉洋台上 ye leh la yang day long. They are on the verandah. 房子 Vong ts, a house. 点 Ten, to light. 客堂 Kah dong, a sitting room. 担 Tan, to take. 伊要买罗汉榻 ye yau ma looh t’eh. He wants to buy a sofa. 苐个物事我勿要买 te kuk mez-z ngoo veh yau ma, I don’t want to buy these things. 差女人来 ts a niniung lay. Send a woman here. 侬去叫人来 ng che kiau niung lay. Go and call a man. 垃拉客堂里有客人 leh la k ah dong le yeu k ah niung. There is a visitor in the sitting room. 苐座房子有洋台 te dzoo vong ts yeu yang day. This house has a verandah. 担椅子来 tan yts lay. Bring a chair. \\"......'