目录 Chapter 1 The Introduction of Textile Section1 Heritage Section2 Transmission Chapter 2 Textile History and Culture Section1 Textile History in Ancient China Section2 Textile and Culture Chapter 3 Textile and Life Section1 About the Clothing Section2 Textiles and Clothing Chapter 4 Textile and Manufacture Section1 Textile Fibres Section2 Yarns Section3 Weaving and Woven Fabrics Section4 Knitting and Knitted Fabrics Section5 Nonwoven Fabrics Chapter 5 Textile and Economy Section1 Textile and Trade Section2 The Textile Industry and Economic Recovery Section3 Recyclable Textiles for Green Economy Chapter 6 Technical Textiles and Smart Fabrics Section1 General Introduction to Technical Textiles Section2 Detailed Introduction to Some Technical Textiles Section3 Smart Fabrics