《中国故事绘》系列儿童图画书力求完整丰富地收录中国原创儿童图画书名家精品,作品涵盖历史人物、神话传说、民间故事、中国童话……包罗万象。此次出版以中西双语形式呈现,并在每册书末附有文化导读及互动游戏,让孩子在阅读传统故事之余,更进一步读懂中国的历史与文化,亲身体验传统艺术与民俗活动。本系列所选图画故事书都是今天的爸爸妈妈们小时候就读过的、脍炙人口的中国故事,它们是曾经影响一代人的儿童图画书经典,还将影响又一代孩子的成长。 故事讲述心灵手巧的画匠阳庆凭借高超的手艺做出惟妙惟肖的纸人,解救了危难中的未婚妻凤珍。传说这门手艺流传下来,成了后来的风筝。 The Picture Stories of China is a serie of books of typical Chinese conventional stories which are categorized into folk tales, myth and legends, Chinese figures and classic stories and so on. The drawings are created by well-known Chinese painters based on the stories and the words by famous writers for children. This serie is a good presentation of Chinese conventional cultural value, educational philosophy and ideological virtue. Particularly it’s the selected reading materials for Chinese children and adults who are living overseas.