目录 “嘉年华精神号”Carnival Spirit “嘉年华凯旋号”Carnival Triumph “嘉年华灵感号”Carnival Inspiration “嘉年华辉煌号”Carnival Splendor “嘉年华梦想号”Carnival Dream “嘉年华魔术号”Carnival Magic “嘉年华胜利号”Carnival Victory “嘉年华阳光号”Carnival Sunshine “嘉年华征服号”Carnival Conquest “嘉年华自主号”Carnival Liberty “歌诗达大西洋号”Costa Atlantica “歌诗达地中海号”Costa Mediterranea “歌诗达皇冠号”Costa Diadema “歌诗达赛琳娜号”Costa Serena “歌诗达辉宏号”Costa Favolosa “歌诗达迷人号”Costa Fascinosa “歌诗达命运女神号”Costa Magica “歌诗达太平洋号”Costa Pacifica “歌诗达炫目号”Costa Luminosa “歌诗达唯美号”Costa Deliziosa “歌诗达维多利亚号”Costa Victoria “歌诗达幸运号”Costa Fortuna “帝王公主号”Regal Princess “翡翠公主号”Emerald Princess “珊瑚公主号”Coral Princess “海岛公主号”Island Princess “皇冠公主号”Crown Princess “皇家公主号”Royal Princess “黄金公主号”Golden Princess “蓝宝石公主号”Sapphire Princess “至尊公主号”Grand Princess “星辰公主号”Star Princess “钻石公主号”Diamond Princess “海洋灿烂号”Radiance of the Seas “海洋帝王号”Majesty of the Seas “海洋独立号”Independence of the Seas “海洋航行者号”Voyager of the Seas “海洋幻丽号”Enchantment of the Seas “海洋量子号”Quantum of the Seas “海洋领航者号”Navigator of the Seas “海洋绿洲号”Oasis of the Seas “海洋魅丽号”Allure of the Seas “海洋梦幻号”Vision of the Seas “海洋圣歌号”Anthem of the Seas “海洋水手号”Mariner of the seas “海洋探险者号”Explorer of the Seas “海洋旋律号”Serenade of the Seas “海洋珠宝号”Jewel of the Seas “海洋自由号”Freedom of the Seas “海洋自主号”Liberty of the Seas