编号:GDZPS1987 书名:《茶与茶具:英文》 版别:五洲传播出版社 作者:李洪著 朱建廷译 书号:ISBN 9787508517162 定价:79.80 出版日期:201001 内容简介 中国茶对于中国人来说,已经不仅仅是一种饮品,经过几千年的传承,茶已经演变成为具有浓郁中国风情的文化。品饮中国茶,即是体味中国文化。对于来中国学习、工作的外国人,不了解中国茶文化,便相当于没来过中国。本系列图书图文并茂地介绍了茶与茶具、烹茶技艺、普洱茶、绿茶和乌龙茶,介绍中国名茶的基础知识,并回答与茶与茶具有关的一些常识性问题,引导外国读者认识中国茶,具有很强的实用性和可操作性。 Why is tea the National drink of China? Why is tea regarded as symbolizing the harmony and mysterious unity of the Universe? Why is the loose-leaf Chinese tea more beneficial than the tea bags? How many types of Chinese tea are Available? How to make the best cup of Chinese tea? ……A visitor to the home of tea has so many questions. Understanding their answers will bring you closer to the history and mystery of tea. Appreciating Chinese Tea Series will help you. 目录 Part 1 Knowing Tea from the Very Beginning Clue 1: Basic Tea Green Tea Famous Green Teas Yellow Tea Famous Huangyacha Tea Famous Yellow Teas White Tea Famous White Teas Blue Tea Famous Northern Fujian Blue Tea Famous Minnan Blue Tea Famous Blue Tea of Guangdong Famous Taiwan Blue Tea Black Tea Famous Black Teas Dark Tea Pu-erh Tea in Different Shape Clue 2: Processed Tea Scented Tea Pressed Tea Tea-flavored Drinks Tea Substitute Fruit Tea Grain Tea Part 2 Tea Set Modern Tea Set Tea Curios Tea Sets Part 3 Tea and Tea Ware Q&A 李洪,艺技师,评茶师,茶艺师比赛考评委。多年从事茶艺培训、专业茶艺师等级资格考试培训工作,编著有《轻松泡茶成高手》《轻松认识茶和茶具》等书。 大量批发或经销商面议 茶书网中国区北京工作站:感德真品茶业机构 地址:北京市西城区马连道6号北京国际茶城三楼西北角F3-19号 客服:010-63433810 详见:茶书网(www.culturetea.com)说明