作者介绍 总主编:翟宜疆 本册主编:段沫翟宜疆 上海交通大学人文学院副教授,硕士生导师,曾任德国海德堡大学孔子学院中方院长。主要研究方为汉语国际教育,比较汉字学。出版教材《21世纪对外汉语教材》等。段沫 语言学及应用语言学博士,上海交通大学人文学院教师。长期讲授商务汉语类课程,曾获校级教学比赛二等奖、院级教学比赛一等奖。主持完成校级教研项目4项、校级教材项目1项。发表商务汉语教学、任务型教学相关论文多篇。Chief Author: Zhai Yijiang Chief Author of This Volume: Duan MoZhai Yijiang is an associate professor and Master candidates’ supervisor of the School of Humanities at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and was the Chinese director of the Confucius Institute at Heidelberg University in Germany. His main research focuses on teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages and comparative Chinese characterology. He has published textbooks such as the A 21st Century Course of Chinese as a Foreign Language.Duan Mo is a PhD in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, and teacher at the School of Humanities, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. She haeen teaching business Chinese courses for a long time and has won the second prize of school-level teaching competition and the first prize of college-level teaching competition. She has presided over four school-level teaching and research projects and one school-level teaching material project, and has published many papers on business Chinese teaching and task-based teaching. 序言