内容提要 本书根据《普通高中英语课程标准》七级的要求,结合山东省高中学生英语学习的特点,精选英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等英语国家的语文素材,辅以其他经典阅读材料和经过改编的时新英语素材,并在选文后搭配精心编写、设计的练习题目,作为高中生课外英语读物和辅助英语泛读教材,帮助学生提高英语综合应用能力。选材涉及人文故事、自然科学等类别。 目录 Lesson 1 The First Day at SchoolLesson 2 Boys and Girls in ClassLesson 3 Farmer Breathes Life into PoemsLesson 4 How I Met the Little PrinceLesson 5 The Affection Between Father and SoLesson 6 The Gift of the Magi (Ⅰ)Lesson 7 The Gift of the Magi (Ⅱ)Lesson 8 Abraham LincolLesson 9 Nigerian Values in AmericaLesson 10 Affectionate RobotsLesson 11 Bird BrainsLesson 12 The Day a Language DiedLesson 13 Less Sleep, Much FatterLesson 14 Good CompanionsLesson 15 The Big Decision: Should I Take a Gap Year?Lesson 16 The Power of LoveLesson 17 Life Throws a Brick at Your HeadLesson 18 Pennies from GrannyLesson 19 The Just MaLesson 20 A Mother FirstLesson 21 PrioritiesLesson 22 Witch's Love (Ⅰ)Lesson 23 Witch's Love (Ⅱ)Lesson 24 The Truth About Those "Invisible" AdsLesson 25 Free Minds and Hearts at WorkLesson 26 Living a Solitary LifeLesson 27 Write Your Future Self a LetterLesson 28 Spending Time AloneLesson 29 A New FriendLesson 30 Saving the Rainforests for Future GenerationsLesson 31 Keep Your DreamLesson 32 A Silent Father's LoveLesson 33 A Full-time School Called "Life"Lesson 34 Sudan's "Lost Boy" Becomes US Chess ChampioLesson 35 That Dog of MineLesson 36 He Led a Useful LifeLesson 37 The Difference a Teacher Can MakeLesson 38 U.S. Researchers Develop New Blood Test for Early Cancer DetectioLesson 39 Elsa Kills a BuffaloLesson 40 The First BiologistLesson 41 Why Does Sleeping-in Just Make Us More Tired?Lesson 42 Solar Impulse Is Go from Abu DhabiLesson 43 Man Hunters of the USALesson 44 Marlin Perkins' WorldLesson 45 The Two-year AppleLesson 46 Manners Here, Manners ThereLesson 47 Swiss Watch School (Ⅰ)Lesson 48 Swiss Watch School (Ⅱ)KEY 作者介绍 高洪德,山东省教学研究室副主任,英语教研员,特级教师。硕士学位,研究方向是中小学英语课程与教学、西方历史文化。张涛,山东省教学研究室英语教研员。 序言