目录 1. Introduction to Reading Poetry . 2. John Donne (1572-1631): Poet of Secular and Sacred Love 3. Ben Jonson (1572-1637): Elegist, Satirist, and Moralist 4. Robert Herrick (1591-1674): Poet of Time, Love, and Delight 5. George Herbert (1593-1633): Poet and Priest 6. John Milton (1608-1674): Poet of English Puritanism 7. Andrew Marvell (1621-1678): Pastoral Poet of Time and History 8. John Dryden (1631-1700): Poet of the Restoration .. 9. Jonathan Swift (1667-1745): Satirist, Preacher, and Lover 10. Alexander Pope (1688-1744): Satirist and Moralist 11. Samuel Johnson (1709-1784): Moralist and Satirist 12. Four Eighteenth-Century Poets: Finch, Gray, Goldsmith, and Cowper 13. Robert Burns(1759-1796): Singer, Satirist, and Storyteller Epilogue Further Reading Index 作者介绍 作者:(美国)尼古拉斯·H·纳尔逊 (NICOLASH.NELSON) 序言