序言 Chapter 1 General IntroductionSectio1 General Introductioof Tramp Shipping (I)1.1 What is tramp shipping?1.2 Characteristics of tramp shipping1.3 Kinds of tramp shippingSectio2 General Introductioof Tramp Shipping (II)2.1 What is chartering?2.2 Different kinds of chartering2.3 Differences betweetime charter and voyage charterSectio3 Charter Party3.1 The meaning of charter party3.2 Voyage Charter Party3.3 Time Charter Party3.4 Bareboat Charter PartySectio4 Entering into C/P & Standard Form4.1 Making of C/P: chartering broker4.2 Forms of C/PSectio5 Law and Shipping Customs Relating to Charter Parties5.1 Applicatioof Chinese Maritime Code5.2 International Shipping PracticesSectio6 Chartering Market6.1 Purpose olearning the chartering market6.2 Kinds of freight marketsChapter 2 Voyage Charter PartySectio1 Representations under Voyage Charter Party1.1 Introduction1.2 Representations and misrepresentationsSectio2 MaiProvisions oRepresentationSectio3 Preliminary Voyage & Loading/Discharging3.1 Preliminary voyage3.2 Loading/discharging clauseSectio4 Duties of the Charterer to Provide Cargo4.1 Sorts of cargo4.2 Quantity of cargo4.3 Specified duties of the chartererSectio5 Laytime/ Demurrage/ Dispatch Money (I)5.1 Understanding of Laytime5.2 Definitioof"days" as laytimeSectio6 Layfime/ Demurrage/ Dispatch Money (II)6.1 Commencement and end of laytime6.2 Problems arising from berth contractSectio7 Laytime/Demurrage/Dispatch Money (III)7.1 Definitioof Demurrage/Dispatch Money7.2 CalculationSectio8 Other Clauses under GENCON 19948.1 Responsibilities and exceptions of shipowner8.2 Deviatioclause8.3 Lieclause/cesser clauseSectio9 Law and ArbitratioClause9.1 General introductioof law and arbitratioclause9.2 CMAC model arbitratioclauseChapter 3 Time Charter PartySectio1 Representatiounder Time C/P1.1 Nature of time charter party1.2 Definitioof key words and terms1.3 RepresentationSectio2 Shipowners/Charterers to Provide2.1 Importance of the clause of shipowner/charterer to provide2.2 Shipowners to provide2.3 Charterers to provideSectio3 Period of Hire3.1 Introduction3.2 Standard form3.3 Usual clauses operiod of hireSectio4 Delivery of Vessel4.1 Date, place and conditioof delivery4.2 Place of delivery4.3 Conditioof deliverySectio5 Redelivery of Vessel5.1 Introductioof redelivery of vessel5.2 Time ofredelivery5.3 Conditions of redelivery5.4 Ordinary tear and wear5.5 Legal effectSectio6 Payment of Hire6.1 Standard clause6.2 Commoterms ipracticeSectio7 Withdrawal of Vessel7.1 Conditioof withdrawal7.2 Limits to exercise withdrawal7.3 Legal effect of withdrawal7.4 Waiver of right to withdrawSectio8 Off-hire8.1 Standard clauses ooff-hire8.2 Commoprovisions of off-hireSectio9 Responsibilities and Obligations of Shipowners9.1 Initial seaworthiness9.2 Maintenance seaworthiness9.3 Shipowners to provide9.4 Reasonable dispatch9.5 Customary assistanceSectio10 Responsibilities and Obligations of Charterers10.1 Charterers to provide10.2 Safety of port/berth10.3 Definitioof safe port10.4 Scope of safe port10.5 Wheto warrant the safety of port?Sectio11 ExceptioClause11.1 Exceptioclauses under standard forms11.2 Commonature of exceptioclausesSectio12 Employment and Indemnity Clause12.1 Employment and indemnity clause under standard forms12.2 Chinese law othe issue of employment and indemnity12.3 Problems under supervisioof master12.4 Who shall be responsible for damages caused by the stevedore?Sectio13 Trading Limits Clause13.1 Trading limits clause under standard forms13.2 Chinese law othe issue of trading limits13.3 Understanding of trading limits clauseSectio14 Lawful Merchandise Clause14.1 Lawful merchandise clause under standard forms :14.2 Chinese law othe issue of lawful merchandise14.3 Understanding of lawful merchandise clauseSectio15 Sub-let Clause15.1 Sub-let clause under standard forms15.2 Understanding of sub-let clauseChapter 4 Bareboat Charter PartySectio1 Delivery Clause1.1 Definitioof bareboat charter party1.2 Maiprovisions of bareboat charter party under BARECON1.3 CMC provisioothe delivery of vesselSectio2 InspectioClauseSectio3 Maintenance and OperatioClause3.1 Maintenance and operatioclause under BARECON3.2 CMC provisioomaintenance and operationSectio4 Hire Clause4.1 Hire clause under BARECON4.2 Problems ipractice4.3 Chinese law opayment of hireSectio5 Mortgage Clause5.1 Mortgage clause under BARECON5.2 CMC provisioomortgageSectio6 Insurance and Repairs6.1 Insurance clause under BARECON6.2 Chinese provisions oinsuranceSectio7 Redelivery ClauseSectio8 Non-lieClause8.1 No possessory lieor maritime lien8.2 Notice fastened oboard8.3 The indemnity clause8.4 Security8.5 CMC provisioothe effect of non-lieclauseSectio9 Lieand Wreck Removal Clause9.1 Lieclause9.2 Wreck removal clauseSectio10 Assignment and Sub-demise Clause10.1 Assignment & sub-demise clause under BARECON10.2 Chinese law othe issue of assignment and sub-demiseSectioI 1 Bareboat Charter Party with Hire Purchase Clause11.1 Transferring title of property and risks11.2 Risks and expenses for sale of ship11.3 Taxes and charges under purchasing contract11.4 Costs for dispatch of crewChapter 5 Bill of Lading under Charter PartySectio1 General Introduction1.I Bill of lading issued under C/P1.2 B/L under C/P and ordinary oceaB/L1.3 Differences betweeB/L under C/P and ordinary oceaB/L1.4 Identify B/L under C/P and oceaB/LSectio2 IncorporatioClause2.1 Incorporatioclause and B/L under C/P2.2 Understanding of incorporatioclause and its validity2.3 Which contract may be incorporated into B/L2.4 Commoincorporatioclauses2.5 Problems oincorporatioof arbitratioclauseSectio3 B/L clauses under C/Ps3.1 B/L clause under voyage charter party3.2 B/L clause under time charter party & bareboat charter party3.3 Few situations of refusing to sigB/L3.4 Meaning of"Without prejudice toSectio4 Identifying the Carrier and Demise Clause4.1 Identify the carrier icase of B/L under C/P4.2 Demise clauseReferencesAuthor's Note