内容提要 本书内客涉及细胞生物学、遗传学、动物学、植物学、微生物学、生态学、分子生物学、物种起源与进化、环境科学等。全书共15课,由课文、课后练习、拓展信息、阅读理解和弼读材料等部分组成。书后附有练习答案、词汇表、参考文献。内容涉及面广取材新颖,难易适度,充分反映现代生物学的发展趋势。 在前2版的基础上更新了部分较为陈旧的阅读材料,着重补充研究论文写作、投稿、文献检索与利用等方面的资料。为了更好地帮助学生学习,编者在与本书配套的网站(Companion Website)上提供了许多教学资源网络链接,以多种教学形式帮助读者有效利用Web of Knowledge,Web of Science Journa Citation Reports,Elsevier ScienceDirect,ProQuest等国际重要文献数据库。 本书可作为高校生物类专业英语教材,也可作为从事生物、农林、环境科学等领域科研工作的人员的参考工具书。 目录 Lesson One Inside the Living Cell: Structure and Function of Internal Cell PartsLesson Two PhotosynthesisLesson Three Cellular Reproduction: Mitosis and meiosisLesson Four Foundations of GeneticsLesson Five Discovering the Chemical Nature of the GeneLesson Six The Origin and Diversity of LifeLesson Seven Fungi: The Great DecomposersLesson Eight Animal DevelopmentLesson Nine The Origin of SpeciesLesson Ten The Ecology of PopulationsLesson Eleven Plant Biology Research Comes of Age in ChinaLesson Twelve The ISI Web of Knowledge Sm Platform: CurrentLesson Thirteen Assessing Potential Dietary Toxicity of Heavy Metals in Selected Vegetables and Food CropsLesson Fourteen A Roadmap of Cancer cystems Biology Lesson Fifteen Hyperaccumulation of Cadmium by Roots, Bulbs and Shoots of Garlic (Allium sativum L.)Answers to ExercisesGlossary of Biological TermsReferences 作者介绍