内容提要 德国理论物理学家W.Griner等教授撰写的12卷集“理论物理学教科书”,是一套内容完整实用面向大学生和硕士研究生的现代物理学教材。它以系统的、统一的、连贯的方式阐述了现代理论物理学的各个方面。这套教材面世后,在德国产生了巨大的影响,其英文版的及时推出,对全世界理论物理学的教学也起了很好的促进作用。本书内容包括:传播子和散射理论;电子和正电子传播子;量子电动力学方法;概要:量子电动力学的费曼规则;高阶散射矩阵;双粒子系统;强场的量子电动力学;无自旋玻色子的量子电动力学。 目录 1 Propagators and Scattering Theory1.1 Introduction1.2 The Nonrelativistic Propagator1.3 Green's Function and Propagator1.4 An Integral Equation for1.5 Application to Scattering Problems1.6 The Unitarity of the S Matrix1.7 Symmetry Properties of the S Matrix1.8 The Green's Function in Momentum Representation1.9 Another Look at the Green's Function1.10 Biographical Notes2 The Propagators for Electrons and Positrons3 Quantum-Electrodynamical Processes3.1 Coulomb Scattering of Electrons3.2 Scattering of an Electron off a Free Proton: The Effect of Recoil3.3 Scattering of Identical Fermions3.4 Electron-Positron Scattering3.5 Scattering of Polarized Dirac Particles3.6 Bremsstrahlung3.7 Compton Scattering - The Klein-Nishina Formula3.8 Annihilation of Particle and Antiparticle3.9 Biographical Notes4 Summary: The Feynman Rules of QED4.1 The Feynman Rules of QED in Momentum Space4.2 The Photon Propagator in Different Gauges4.3 Biographical Notes5 The Scattering Matrix in Higher Orders5.1 Electron-Positron Scattering in Fourth Order5.2 Vacuum Polarization5.3 Self-Energy of the Electron5.4 The Vertex Correction5.5 Biographical Notes6 Two-Particle Systems6.1 The Bethe-Salpeter Equation6.2 Biographical Notes7 Quantum Electrodynamics of Strong Fields7.1 Strong Fields in Atoms7.2 Strong Fields in Heavy Ion Collisions7.3 The Effective Lagrangian of the Electromagnetic Field7.4 Biographical Notes8 Quantum Electrodynamics of Spinless Bosons8.1 The Klein-Gordon Equation8.2 The Feynman Propagator for Scalar Particles8.3 The Scattering of Spin-0 Bosons8.4 The Feynman Rules of Scalar ElectrodynamicsAppendixSubject Index 作者介绍 本书作者W. Griner是德国理论物理学家,著有13卷集的“理论物理学教程”,这套书也让作者享誉全世界,成为全球众多高校物理学高年级本科生和研究生的教材和标准参考用书。 序言