内容提要 《宏观经济学重难点学习指导(AP,A-LEVEL,IB经济学课程学生用书)》以简明扼要而又生动形象的语言讲述了宏观经济学所涉及的基本知识和重点难点,对一些难以理解的概念都作了详细的剖析,并把每章的要点作了英文的总结。 目录 Chapter 1 Measuring a Nation's IncomeChapter 2 Measuring the Cost of LivingChapter 3 Production and GrowthChapter 4 Saving, Investment, and the Financial SystemChapter 5 The Basic Tools of FinanceChapter 6 UnemploymentChapter 7 The Monetary SystemChapter 8 Money Growth and InflationChapter 9 Open-Economy Macroeconomics: Basic ConceptsChapter 10 A Macroeconomic Theory of the Open EconomyChapter 11 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate SupplyChapter 12 The Influence of Monetary and Fiscal Policy onAggregate DemandChapter 13 The Short-Run Trade-off between Inflation andUnemploymentMACROECONOMICS PRACTICE EXAM 作者介绍