内容提要 We begathis project i1968 to fill a gap we each felt acutely after several years of teaching introductory solid state physics to Cornell students of physics,chemistry,engineering,and materials science.Inboth undergraduate and graduate courses we had to resort to a patchwork array of reading assingnments,assembled from some halp dozetexts and treatises This was only partly because of the gread diversity of the subject ;the maiproblem lay iits dual nature.Othe one hand aintroductioto solid state physics must describe isome detail the vast range of real solids,with aemphasis orepresentative data and illustrative examples.Othe other hand there is now a well-established basic theory of solids,with which and seriously interested student must become familiar. 目录 PrefaceImportant TablesSuggestions for Using the Book1.The Drued Theory of Metals2.The Sommerfeld Theory of Metals3.Failures of the Free Electron Model4.Crystal Lattices5.The Reciproal Lattice6.Determination of Crystal Structures by X-Ray Diffraction7.Classification of Bravais Lattices and Crystal Structures8.Electron Levels in a Periodic Potential:General Properties9.Electrons in a Weak Periodic Potential10.The Tight-Binding Method11.Other Methods for Calculating Band Structure12.The Semiclassical Model of Electron Dynamics13.The Semiclassical Theory of Conduction in Metals14.Measuring the Fermi Surface15.Band Structure of Selected Metals16.Beyond the Relaxation-Time Appromation17.Beyond the Independent Electron Appromation18.Surface Effects19.Classification of Solids20.Cohesive Energy21.Failures of the Static Lattice Model22.Classical Theory of the Harmonic Crystal……APPENDICESINDEX 作者介绍