内容提要 本书是一部著名教材,初版于1978年,后又几次重印,本版是1978年版的第三次重印版。本书是为物理和材料力学专业的研究生编写的教材,书中内容也适用于从事纯固态物理和及其在电机工程中应用的研究工作的物理工作者。书后附有-9章习题。 目录 1.Fundamentlas 1.1 Introduction 1.2 The Basic Hamiltonian 1.3 The Hartrce-Fock Appromation2.The One-Electron Appromation 2.1 The Electron Gas Without Interaction 2.2 Electrons in a Periodic Potential3. Elementary Exciations 3.1 The Interacting Electron Gas:Quasi-Electrons and Plasmons 3.2 Electron-Hole Intereacion in Semiconduction and Insulators:Excitons 3.3 Ion-Ion Interaction:Phonons 3.4 Spin-Spin Interaction:Magnons4.Elctron-Phonon Interaction:Transport Phenomena 4.1 The Interaction Processes 4.2 The Boltzmann Equation 4.3 Formal Transpor Theory 4.4 Transport in Metals and Semiconductors5.Electron-Electron Interation by Exchange of Virtual Phonons:Supeconductivity 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Cooper Pairs 5.3 The Ground State of the Superconducting Electron Gas 5.4 Excited States 5.5 Comparison with Experiment 5.6 The Meissner-Ochsenfeld Effect 5.7 Further Theortical COncepts6.Interaction with photons:Optics7.Phtonon-Phonon Interaction:Thermal Properties8.Local Description of Solid-State Properties9.Localized Sates10.DisorderAppendix:The Occupation Number RepresentationProblmes to Chapter1-1BiblioographySubject Index 作者介绍