内容提要 This is aadvanced text book othe microstructure and properties of materials, the first volume of a possible 3-volume set. While there are many elementary text books imaterials science, there are very few advanced text books. Iour graduate school courses, we rely oour ownotes or some conference volumes and journal articles. One of the reasons is that there are so many different kinds of materials and each has its owmicrostructure property charateristics. So it is difficult for a single persoto be expert iall the materials. Thus the idea of a multi-author collectioappears good. I am inviting the best authoritative expert that I cafind ieach material area and since they are all busy people, it has takelonger thaexpected to finish the task.Hence this is the first volume which should be a good supplement to your microstructure course. If you are working with a certaimaterial area ione of the chapters, you will find a rich source of desigideas and applications as well as a good understanding of how does the microstructure affect the properties. 目录 PrefaceChapter 1 Microstructure and Properties of Aluminium AlloysC. P. Blakenship, Jr, E. A. Starke and E. HornbogenChapter 2 Nickel-Base SuperalloysN. S. StoloffChapter 3 Metal Matrix CompositesR. J. ArsenaultChapter 4 Polymer Matrix CompositesJang-Kyo Kim and Yiu-Wing MaiChapter 5 Ceramic Matrix CompositesP. G. Karandikar, T. W. Chou and A. Parvizi-MajidiChapter 6 Microstructure of Inorganic GlassesR. tt. DoremusChapter 7 Microstructure and Properties of Superconducting MaterialsC. S. PandeChapter 8 Magnetic MaterialsC. D. Graham, JrSubject IndexAuthor Index 作者介绍