基本信息 书名:实分析和泛函分析 定价:92元 作者:S.Lang 出版社:世界图书出版公司 出版日期:1997-09-01 ISBN:9787506233071 字数: 页码:580 版次:1 装帧:平装 开本:32开 商品重量: 编辑推荐 《实分析和泛函分析(第3版)(英文版)》是由世界图书出版公司出版的。 内容提要 《实分析和泛函分析(第3版)(英文版)》内容简介:This book is meant as a text for a first year graduate course in analysis. Any standard course in undergraduate analysis will constitute sufficient preparation for its understanding, for instance, my Undergraduate Analysis. I assume that the reader is acquainted with notions of uniform convergence and the like. In this third edition, I have reorganized the book by covering integration before functional analysis. Such a rearrangement fits the way courses are taught in all the places I know of. I have added a number of examples and exercises, as well as some material about integration on the real line (e.g. on Dirac sequence appromation and on Fourier analysis), and some material on functional analysis (e.g. the theory of the Gelfand transform in Chapter XVI). These upgrade previous exercises to sections in the text. 目录 PART ONE General Topology CHAPTERⅠ Sets 1. Some Basic Terminology 2. Denumerahle Sets 3. Zorn''s Lemma CHAPTERⅡ Topological Spaces 1. Open and Closed Sets 2. Connected Sets 3. Compact Spaces 4. Separation by Continuous Functions 5. Exercises CHAPTERⅢ Continuous Functions on Compact Sets 1. The Stone-Weierstrass Theorem 2. Ideals of Continuous Functions 3. Ascoli''s Theorem 4. ExercisesPART TWO Banach and Hilbert Spaces CHAPTERⅣ Banach Spaces 1. Definitions, the Dual Space, and the Hahn-Banach Theorem 2. Banach Algebras 3. The Linear Extension Theorem 4. Completion of a Normed Vector Space 5. Spaces with Operators Appendix: Convex Sets 1. The Krein-Milman Theorem 2. Mazur''s Theorem 6. Exercises CHAPTERⅣ HIIbert Space 1. Hermitian Forms 2. Functionals and Operators 3. ExercisesPART THREE Integration CHAPTERⅥ The General Integral 1. Measured Spaces, Measurable Maps, and Positive Measures 2. The Integral of Step Maps 3. The L1-Compledon 4. Properties of the Integral: First Part 5. Properties of the Integral: Second Part 6. Appromations 7. Extension of Positive Measures from Algebras to q-Algebras 8. Product Measures and Integration on a Product Space 9. The Lebesgue Integral in Rp 10. Exercises CHAPTERⅦ Duality and Representation Theorems 1. The Hilbert Space L2 u 2. Duality Between L1 u and L # 3. Complex and Vectorial Measures 4. Complex or Vectorial Measures and Duality 5. The LB Spaces, 1 6. The Law of Large Numbers 7. Exercises CHAPTERⅧ Duality and Representation Theorems 1. The Hilbert Space L2 u 2. Duality Between L1 u and L # 3. Complex and Vectorial Measures 4. Complex or Vectorial Measures and Duality 5. The LB Spaces, 1 6. The Law of Large Numbers 7. Exercises……PART FOUR CalculusPART FIVE Functional AnalysisPART SIX Global AnalysisBibliographyTable of NotationIndex 作者介绍