基本信息 书名:量子力学 定价:155元 作者:[意] Gennaro Auletta(G.奥利特) 著 出版社:世界图书出版公司 出版日期:2014-09-01 ISBN:9787510078620 字数: 页码:724 版次:1 装帧:平装 开本:16开 商品重量: 编辑推荐 《量子力学(英文)》由世界图书出版公司北京公司出版。 内容提要 《量子力学(英文版)》阐释量子力学的诞生、波函数与薛定谔方程、一维定态问题、力学量用算符表示、力学量随时间的演化与对称性、中心力场、粒子在电磁场中的运动、表象变换与量子力学的矩阵形式、自旋、力学量本征值的代数解法、束缚定态微扰论、量子跃迁、散射理论、其他近似方法。为帮助读者更深入掌握有关内容,书中安排了适当的例题、练习题和思考题。每一章还选入了适量的习题,供读者选用。 目录 List of figuresList of tablesList of definitions, principles, etc.List of boxesList of symbolsList of abbreviationsIntroductioPart I Basic features of quantum mechanics1 From classical mechanics to quantum mechanicsl.1 Review of the foundations of classical mechanics1.2 Ainterferometry experiment and its consequences1.3 State as vector1.4 Quantum probabilityl.5 The historical need of a new mechanicsSummaryProblemsFurther reading2 Quantum observables and states2.1 Basic features of quantum observables2.2 Wave functioand basic observables2.3 Uncertainty relatio2.4 Quantum algebra and quantum logicSummaryProblemsFurther reading3 Quantum dynamics3.1 The Schrodinger equatio3.2 Properties of the Schrodinger equatio3.3 Schrodinger equatioand Galilei transformations3.4 One-dimensional free particle ia box3.5 Unitary transformations3.6 Different pictures3.7 Time derivatives and the Ehrenfest theorem3.8 Energy-time uncertainty relatio3.9 Towards a time operatorSummaryProblemsFurther reading4 Examples of quantum dynamics4.1 Finite potential wells4.2 Potential barrier4.3 Tunneling4.4 Harmonic oscillator4.5 Quantum particles isimple fieldsSummaryProblems5 Density matrix5.1 Basic formalism5.2 Expectatiovalues and measurement outcomes5.3 Time evolutioand density matrix5.4 Statistical properties of quantum mechanics5.5 Compound systems5.6 Pure- and mixed-state representatioSummaryProblemsFurther readingPart II More advanced topics6 Angular momentum and spi6.1 Orbital angular momentum6.2 Special examples6.3 Spi6.4 Compositioof angular momenta and total angular momentum6.5 Angular momentum and angleSummaryProblemsFurther reading7 Identical particles7.1 Statistics and quantum mechanics7.2 Wave functioand symmetry7.3 Spiand statistics7.4 Exchange interactio7.5 Two recent applicationsSummaryProblemsFurther reading8 Symmetries and conservatiolaws8.1 Quantum transformations and symmetries8.2 Continuous symmetries8.3 Discrete symmetries8.4 A brief introductioto group theorySummaryProblemsFurther reading9 The measurement problem iquantum mechanics9.1 Statement of the problem9.2 A brief history of the problem9.3 Schrodinger cats9.4 Decoherence9.5 Reversibility/irreversibility9.6 Interaction-free measurement9.7 Delayed-choice experiments9.8 Quantum Zeno effect9.9 Conditional measurements or postselectio9.10 Positive operator valued measure9.11 Quantum non-demolitiomeasurements9.12 Decisioand estimatiotheorySummaryProblemsFurther readingPart III Matter and light10 Perturbations and appromatiomethods10.1 Stationary perturbatiotheory10.2 Time-dependent perturbatiotheory10.3 Adiabatic theorem10.4 The variational method10.5 Classical limit10.6 Semiclassical limit and WKB appromatio10.7 Scattering theory10.8 Path integralsSummary……Part Ⅱ More advanced topicsPartⅢ Matter and lightPart Ⅳ Ouantum information:state and correlations 作者介绍 作者:(意大利)奥利特(Auletta G.) 序言 List of figuresList of tablesList of definitions, principles, etc.List of boxesList of symbolsList of abbreviationsIntroductionPart I Basic features of quantum mechanics1 From classical mechanics to quantum mechanicsl.1 Review of the foundations of classical mechanics1.2 Ainterferometry experiment and its consequences1.3 State as vector1.4 Quantum probabilityl.5 The historical need of a new mechanicsSummaryProblemsFurther reading2 Quantum observables and states2.1 Basic features of quantum observables2.2 Wave functioand basic observables2.3 Uncertainty relation2.4 Quantum algebra and quantum logicSummaryProblemsFurther reading3 Quantum dynamics3.1 The Schrodinger equation3.2 Properties of the Schrodinger equation3.3 Schrodinger equatioand Galilei transformations3.4 One-dimensional free particle ia box3.5 Unitary transformations3.6 Different pictures3.7 Time derivatives and the Ehrenfest theorem3.8 Energy-time uncertainty relation3.9 Towards a time operatorSummaryProblemsFurther reading4 Examples of quantum dynamics4.1 Finite potential wells4.2 Potential barrier4.3 Tunneling4.4 Harmonic oscillator4.5 Quantum particles isimple fieldsSummaryProblems5 Density matrix5.1 Basic formalism5.2 Expectatiovalues and measurement outcomes5.3 Time evolutioand density matrix5.4 Statistical properties of quantum mechanics5.5 Compound systems5.6 Pure- and mixed-state representationSummaryProblemsFurther readingPart II More advanced topics6 Angular momentum and spin6.1 Orbital angular momentum6.2 Special examples6.3 Spin6.4 Compositioof angular momenta and total angular momentum6.5 Angular momentum and angleSummaryProblemsFurther reading7 Identical particles7.1 Statistics and quantum mechanics7.2 Wave functioand symmetry7.3 Spiand statistics7.4 Exchange interaction7.5 Two recent applicationsSummaryProblemsFurther reading8 Symmetries and conservatiolaws8.1 Quantum transformations and symmetries8.2 Continuous symmetries8.3 Discrete symmetries8.4 A brief introductioto group theorySummaryProblemsFurther reading9 The measurement problem iquantum mechanics9.1 Statement of the problem9.2 A brief history of the problem9.3 Schrodinger cats9.4 Decoherence9.5 Reversibility/irreversibility9.6 Interaction-free measurement9.7 Delayed-choice experiments9.8 Quantum Zeno effect9.9 Conditional measurements or postselection9.10 Positive operator valued measure9.11 Quantum non-demolitiomeasurements9.12 Decisioand estimatiotheorySummaryProblemsFurther readingPart III Matter and light10 Perturbations and approximatiomethods10.1 Stationary perturbatiotheory10.2 Time-dependent perturbatiotheory10.3 Adiabatic theorem10.4 The variational method10.5 Classical limit10.6 Semiclassical limit and WKB approximation10.7 Scattering theory10.8 Path integralsSummary……Part Ⅱ More advanced topicsPartⅢ Matter and lightPart Ⅳ Ouantum information:state and correlations