基本信息 书名:高等量子力学 第4版 定价:59.00元 作者:(德)施瓦布 著 出版社:世界图书出版公司 出版日期:2012-08-01 ISBN:9787510047077 字数: 页码:405 版次:1 装帧:平装 开本:24开 商品重量: 编辑推荐 《高等量子力学(第4版)(英文)》由世界图书出版公司北京公司出版。 内容提要 《高等量子力学(第4版)(英文)》讨论了非相对论多粒子系统、相对论波方程和相对论量子场论。它的特点是数学知识背景讨论曲面、大量的应用案例和练习,帮助读者全面了解这个科目。《高等量子力学(第4版)(英文)》由德国施瓦布著。 目录 目录回到顶部↑《高等量子力学(第4版)(英文影印版)》part i. nonrelativistic many-particle systemsecond quantizatio1.1 identical particles, many-particle states, and permutationsymmetry1.2 completely symmetric and antisymmetric states1.3 bosons1.4 fermions1.5 field operators1.6 momentum representation problems2. spin-1/2 fermions2.1 noninteracting fermions2.2 ground state energy and elementary theory of the electrongas2.3 hartree-fock equations for atoms problems3. bosons3.1 free bosons3.2 weakly interacting, dilute bose gasproblems4. correlation functions, scattering, and response4.cattering and response4.2 density matrix, correlation functions.4.3 dynamicalsusceptibility4.4 dispersion relations4.5 spectral representatio4.6 fluctuation-dissipation theorem4.7 examples of applications4.8 symmetry properties4.9 sum rulesproblemsbibliography for part ipart ii. relativistic wave equations5. relativistic wave equations and their derivatio5.1 introductio5.2 the klein-gordon equatio5.3 dirac equatioproblems6. lorentz transformations and covariance of the diracequatio6.1 lorentz transformations6.2 lorentz covariance of the dirac equatio6.3 solutions of the dirac equation for free particlesproblems7. orbital angular momentum and spi7.1 passive and active transformations7.2 rotations and angular momentumproblems8. the coulomb potential8.1 klein-gordon equation with electromagnetic field8.2 dirac equation for the coulomb potentialproblems9. the foldy-wouthuysen transformation and relativisticcorrections9.1 the foldy-wouthuysen transformatio9.2 relativistic corrections and the lamb shiftproblems10. physical interpretation of the solutions to the diracequatio10.1 wave packets and "zitterbewegung"10.2 the hole theoryproblems1ymmetries and further properties of the dirac equatio11.1 active and passive transformations, transformations ofvectors11.2 invariance and conservation laws11.3 charge conjugatio11.4 time reversal (motion reversal)11.5 helicity11.6 zero-mass fermions (neutrinos)problemsbibliography for part iipart iii. relativistic fields12. quantization of relativistic fields12.1 coupled oscillators, the linear chain, latticevibrations12.2 classical field theory12.3 canonical quantizatio12.4 symmetries and conservation laws, noether's theoremproblems13. free fields13.1 the real klein-gordon field13.2 the complex klein-gordon field13.3 quantization of the dirac field13.4 the spin statistics theoremproblems14. quantization of the radiation field14.1 classical electrodynamics14.2 the coulomb gauge14.3 the lagrangian density for the electromagnetic field14.4 the free electromagnatic field and its quantizatio14.5 calculation of the photon propagatorproblems15. interacting fields, quantum electrodynamics15.1 lagrangians, interacting fields15.2 the interaction representation, perturbation theory15.3 the s matrix15.4 wick's theorem15.5 simple scattering processes, feynman diagrams15.6 radiative correctionsproblemsbibliography for part iiiappendixa alternative derivation of the dirac. equatiob dirac matricesc projection operators for the spid the path-integral representation of quantum mechanicse covariant quantization of the electromagnetic field, thegupta-bleuler methodf coupling of charged scalar mesons to the electromagneticfieldindex 作者介绍 作者:(德国)施瓦布(Franz Schwabl) 序言