基本信息 书名:广义相对论基础教程 第2版 定价:69.00元 作者:(英)舒茨 著 出版社:世界图书出版公司 出版日期:2011-04-01 ISBN:9787510032936 字数: 页码:393 版次:1 装帧:平装 开本:16开 商品重量: 编辑推荐 《广义相对论基础教程(第2版)(影印版)》由世界图书出版公司出版。 内容提要 《广义相对论基础教程(第2版)》是一部教程,这是第二版,用尽可能少的数学背景,清晰,易懂,简明地介绍了广义相对论。在相对论的框架内尽可能全面的包括更多的内容,从黑洞到引力透视,脉冲星到整个宇宙学的研究,形成一个有机的整体。书中包括了天体学家的很多重大发现,增加了一章讲述相对论星体,包括了有关脉冲星的知识,有关宇宙学的一章完全更新,全面,综合的讲述了现代发展和预期前景。300多道练习题,许多是这本书中新增加的,这让学生有足够的信心学习好广义相对论和必需的数学知识,《广义相对论基础教程(第2版)》的写作风格更加使得这门科目更加容易理解。目次:狭义相对论;狭义相对论中的向量分析;狭义相对论中的张量分析;狭义相对论中的完全流;曲率介绍;弯曲流形;弯曲时空中的物理学;einstein场方程;引力辐射;星体的球面解;schwarzschild几何和黑洞;宇宙学。 读者对象:适用于高年级本科生及更层次的,对宇宙学,天体物理学,以及引力物理实验感兴趣的科研人员。 目录 (m)tensors3.7 index 'raising' and 'lowering'3.8 differentiation of tensors3.9 further reading3.10 exercises4 perfect fluids in special relativity4.1 fluids4.2 dust: the number-flux vector4.3 one-forms and surfaces4.4 dust again: the stress--energy tensor4.5 general fluids4.6 perfect fluids4.7 importance for general relativity4.8 gauss' law4.9 further reading4.10 exercises5 preface to curvature5.1 on the relation of gravitation to curvature5.2 tensor algebra in polar coordinates5.3 tensor calculus in polar coordinates5.4 christoffel symbols and the metric5.5 noncoordinate bases5.6 looking ahead5.7 further reading5.8 exercises6 curved manifolds6.1 differentiable manifolds and tensors6.2 riemannian manifolds6.3 covariant differentiatio6.4 parallel-transport, geodesics, and curvature6.5 the curvature tensor6.6 bianchi identities: ricci and einstein tensors6.7 curvature in perspective6.8 further reading6.9 exercises7 physics in a curved spacetime7.1 the transition from differential geometry to gravity7.2 physics in slightly curved spacetimes7.3 curved intuitio7.4 conserved quantities7.5 further reading7.6 exercises8 the einstein field equations8.1 purpose and justification of the field equations8.2 einstein's equations8.3 einstein's equations for weak gravitational fields8.4 newtonian gravitational fields8.5 further reading8.6 exercises9 gravitational radiatio9.1 the propagation of gravitational waves9.2 the detection of gravitational waves9.3 the generation of gravitational waves9.4 the energy carried away by gravitational waves9.5 astrophysical sources of gravitational waves9.6 further reading9.7 exercises10 spherical solutions for stars10.1 coordinates for spherically symmetric spacetimes10.2 static spherically symmetric spacetimes10.3 static perfect fluid einstein equations10.4 the exterior geometry10.5 the interior structure of the star10.6 exact interior solutions10.7 realistic stars and gravitational collapse10.8 further reading10.9 exercises11 schwarzschild geometry and black holes11.1 trajectories in the schwarzschild spacetime11.2 nature of the surface r = 2m11.3 general black holes11.4 real black holes in astronomy11.5 quantum mechanical emission of radiation by black holes: thehawking process11.6 further reading11.7 exercises12 cosmology12.1 what is cosmology?12.2 cosmological kinematics: observing the expandinguniverse12.3 cosmological dynamics: understanding the expandinguniverse12.4 physical cosmology: the evolution of the universe weobserve12.5 further reading12.6 exercisesappendix a summary of linear algebrareferencesindex 作者介绍 作者:(英国)舒茨 (Bernard F.Schutz) 序言