基本信息 书名:代数拓扑导论 定价:50.00元 作者:罗曼 出版社:世界图书出版公司 出版日期:2009-08-01 ISBN:9787506282802 字数: 页码:433 版次:1 装帧:平装 开本:24开 商品重量: 编辑推荐 《代数拓扑导论(英文版)》是由世界图书出版公司出版。 内容提要 《代数拓扑导论(英文版)》介绍了:There is a canard that every textbook of algebraic topology either ends with the definition of the Klein bottle or is a personal communication to .I.H.C. Whitehead. Of course, this is false, as a giance at the books of Hilton and Wylie, Maunder, Munkres, and Schubert reveals. Still, the canard does reflect some truth. Too often one finds too much generality and too little attention to details. 目录 PrefaceTo the ReaderCHAPTER 0 IntroductionNotationBrouwer Fixed Point TheoremCategories and FunctorsCHAPTER 1 Some Basic Topological NotionsHomotopyConvety, Contractibility, and ConesPaths and Path ConnectednessCHAPTER 2 SimplexesAffine SpacesAftine MapsCHAPTER 3 The Fundamental GroupThe Fundamental GroupoidThe Functor ππ1(S1)CHAPTER 4 Singular HomologyHoles and Green's TheoremFree Abelian GroupsThe Singular Complex and Homology FunctorsDimension Aom and Compact SupportsThe Homotopy AomThe Hurewicz TheoremCHAPTER 5 Long Exact SequencesThe Category CompExact Homology SequencesReduced HomologyCHAPTER 6 Excision and ApplicationsExcision and Mayer-VietorisHomology of Spheres and Some ApplicationsBarycentric Subdivision and the Proof of ExcisionMoxe Applications to Euclidean SpaceCHAPTER 7 Simplicial ComplexesDefinitionsSimplicial AppromationAbstract Simplicial ComplexesSimplicial HomologyComparison with Singular HomologyCalculationsFundamental Groups of PolyhedraThe Seifert-van Kampen TheoremCHAPTER 8 CW ComplexesHausdorff Quotient SpacesAttaching CallsHomology and Attaching CellsCW ComplexesCellular HomologyCHAPTER 9 Natural TransformationsDefinitions and ExamplesEilenberg-Steenrod AomsChain EquivalencesAcyclic ModelsLefschetz Fixed Point TheoremTensor ProductsUniversal CoefficientsEilcnberg-Zilber Theorem and the Kunneth FormulaCHAPTER 10Covering SpacesBasic PropertiesCovering TransformationsEstenceOrbit SpacesCHAPTER 11Homotopy GroupsFunction SpacesGroup Objects and Cogroup ObjectsLoop Space and SuspensionHomotopy GroupsExact SequenCesFihrationsA Glimpse AheadCHAPTER 12CohomologyDifferential FormsCohomology Groups Universal Coefficients Theorems for CohomologyCohomology RingsComputations and ApplicationsBibliographyNotationIndex 作者介绍 作者:(美国)罗曼 序言